Obama On Same-Gender Marriage: ‘I Want Everyone Treated Fairly’

President Barack Obama touched on his recent announcement of support for same-gender marriage, saying at a New York City fundraising event Monday that he believes marriage equality “strengthens families.”

“I want everyone treated fairly in this country. We have never gone wrong when we’ve extended rights and responsibilities to everybody,” he said, drawing big applause. “That doesn’t weaken families, that strengthens families.”

Obama highlighted some of his administration’s work in recent years, including the passage of health care reform and the end of combat in Iraq.

He also outlined goals he hopes to accomplish under a second term, including the repeal of the Defense Of Marriage Act, which the administration has already stopped defending.

While he did not mention Republican rival Mitt Romney by name, he drew a sharp line of contrast between his own ideology and that of Republicans, promoting a theme of “togetherness.”

“It’s been said this election is going to be about values. I absolutely agree. It’s about the economic values we have, about the values I believe will make America so special: Everybody gets a fair shot, everybody gets a fair share, everybody plays by the same set of rules,” he said.

The event, held at the Rubin Museum of Art in Manhattan, was hosted by singer Ricky Martin and was sponsored in part by the Futuro Fund, an initiative by some Latino leaders to support Obama’s re-election bid.


8 Responses

  1. Yup in Communist Russia everybody got a fair shot and they all wound up equally without food to eat.
    Accept the Party elite that is.

  2. “Everybody gets a fair shot, everybody gets a fair share, everybody plays by the same set of rules,” he said.

    Mr President you are a LIAR! YOU were always given everything with a silver spoon! YOU ARE AN ELITIST! The problem is that your minions are too stupid to realize that you are a typical socialist liberal elitist.

    Despite what you socialists claim, LIFE ISNT FAIR! No one will “make” it fair because once its made “fair” for you, it automatically becomes unfair for someone else.

    GEVALT! NOV 6 wont come fast enough!

  3. How about “extending those rights” also to parent/child “marriage” and owner/pet “marriage? (Hashem Yishmor)

    What about polygamy?

    “Gay Marriage” and other redefinitions of marriage only “strengthens families” to believe in toeiva, but certainly does not reinforce the viability of a family structure.

  4. “We have never gone wrong when we’ve extended rights and responsibilities to everybody.”

    I guess that’s why he’s so fond of illegal immigrants.

  5. I can’t figure out why YWN is giving a platform for the Uber- Mushchas to espouse his views of “equality” in an unchallenged manner. At least remind your readers that Obama is painting this issue as equality, when really it is corrupting the concept of marriage. There ought to be some difference in the manner of reporting between a Torah-dik site and the AP.

  6. Well Mr President many in our country want you treated fairly too. And just like your friend President Jimmy Carter, President Bush senior got only one term as president. Many feel they want you to get the same royal treatment. Many feel that you have missed your time with your family, and so they feel bad for your children hoping to have you once again in their life. Will you be so kind as to give your children this wish? I think Mrs Hilary wants a chance too, so why not just decide to give her the nomination. She should have gotten it last time, and so you could give her a chance.

  7. Please G-d, Obama might have dug himself so deep a grave with this, he might not come out of it.

    Which equality might he propose next? Perhaps equality with four-legged friends.

  8. obama is a compulsive LIAR. he declared in his book his father was poor and when he married his first wife; her parents wanted her to return home since his grandfather did not give a dowry; yet obamas, father in order to keep his wife gave her parents 14 cows. A pretty sum. His father left
    Kenya and went to America to and married obama’s mother and then left her and want back to Kenya and married a third woman all the while still married to the first wife. Also he talks about a girl friend in his book about a play he took her to but the story was a figment of his imagination. Just like the “poverty” he was born into. The only Poverty he knows is the one he is creating in the USA. Also he said he did drugs and did not go to high school much; so how did he get into Harvard. America wake up and start asking questions of this LIAR

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