Chavez Sought Blessing from Munkatcher Rebbe in Exchange for Helping Ostreicher

Hugo Chavez, the crazed South American leader who is struggling with Cancer for more than a year now, sought the blessing from the Munkatcher Rebbe in Brooklyn.

Chavez himself did not visit the Rebbe. However a top Venezuela diplomat and lead Council official both slipped into the Rebbe’s house a while ago asking that the Rebbe should pray for Chavez’s well-being. The Rabbi in exchange asked that Venezuela, one of a few countries to have full contacts with Bolivia, should persuade Bolivia to free Jacob Ostreicher, the Jewish American businessman under arrest for almost a year now.

It is unclear at this time if the Diplomat and Council official channeled the message to Chavez.


(Source: Gestetner Updates)

12 Responses

  1. #1, becuase it depends who is behind the plea. Unfortunately, if the mainstream Orthodox media are not pushing this cuase, it will garner little Press. Its sad but true. How unfortunate

  2. I signed the petition; every Yid should. Unfortunately, one frum weekly is obsessed with the Rubashkin case and, as a result, is ignoring the other Yidden wrongly languishing in jail. Perhaps, if the gedolim permit it, there should be tables with the petition at the Citi Field asifa.

  3. #1 I haven’t signed it because when I first tried to visit the site something there crashed my browser. I don’t know what it was, but it’s not friendly so I’m not returning.

  4. because as we have seen in the past such as with the fellow in florida and sholom mordechai rubashkin, that sometimes the overt pressure from signing petitions, makes the people in power dig in to their position to show that they can withstand pressure. so you never know what is better . therefore shev vial taaseh

  5. Why would the author of this article use the term “crazed South American leader” if there is even a small chance he might intercede with Bolivia. Chavez is a far-leftist but certainly not “crazy”. These kinds of editoral commentaries are not helpful either to the YW readers or to the cause of gaining Ostreicher’s release from prison.

  6. I think the reason that many people have not signed the petition is because the site, like alot of thing in our government, is screwed up. I created an account & logged in, but there is no way to get back into the page that will allow me to sign the petition.
    Can someone please list clear & concise instructions for us dimwits out here?

  7. #5 if you truly treated him as a brother then you would try again or use another computer or go to a library. If he really is your brother you would try something and not leave him languishing there just because your browser crashed.

    They should have tables set up for gathering signatures at every major Jewish event. The siyum hashass is a too good an opportunity to miss for this also. Question: who is prepared to join together to organize stuff like this? Make yourselves known.

  8. GH, I had the same problem when logging in from my smartphone. I finally gave up and signed it via computer.
    Then I realized that all I probably needed to do was clear my cache and cookies. It’s worth a shot, although I haven’t proven my theory.

    Let everybody know if this is so

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