Frum Child In Beit Shemesh Throws A Rock At Woman For Being Immodest

In the ongoing conflict between the chareidi and secular communities in Beit Shemesh, a chareidi child on Tuesday, 13 Iyar, threw a rock at a 50-year-old woman R”L when he decided she was not dressed modestly.

The woman, Mrs. Rachael Sifra, was transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital with only light injuries Baruch Hashem. Police are searching for the child who attacked her.

The victim’s daughter relates to the incident as a “terror attack”, explaining her mother was injured in her head and she required medical care in a hospital. She points out her mother was walking in Beit Shemesh; which is primarily secular and dati leumi, as opposed to Ramat Beit Shemesh; which is primarily chareidi, but she was attacked nonetheless.

Beit Shemesh Mayor (Shas) Moshe Abutbul spoke with Beit Shemesh Police Chief Ronen Garush, asking him to take part in a special session in City Hall. The investigation continues as does the search for the boy.

Mrs. Sifra spoke to Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Wednesday morning 14 Iyar, telling of her ordeal and how she is disgusted, explaining she was walking on the street in her area and was attacked at 7:00PM because she was wearing a tee-shirt. She did not see the attacker, explaining “I was in shock and simply did not know how to react. They took me to Hadassah and I am still there”.

Mrs. Sifra lives in Beit Shemesh for 32 years, adding she was attacked with a rock for the first time a few years ago but the rock missed. Then too she admits it was because “They felt I was not dressed modestly”.

Mrs. Sifra lives in a mixed area of religious and secular areas but the attack occurred in the exclusively religious area. She is fed up with shouts of “Shabbes” all the time, adding in one occasion her husband fell and fractured his arm.

For Rachel, she has had enough and plans to leave the city for Ashdod. She adds many others feel as she does, questioning why religious neighbors cannot tolerate others.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. what a terrible chilul H’. I wonder how old the kid is. But on the other hand, I wonder how she knows that “he decided that she wasn’t dressed modestly”. Did he yell something as he threw the rock? Was it for sure thrown by a kid? If she didn’t see it, how does she know the rock didn’t pelt her by mistake from a passing bus or something? Big assumption to say that a “chareidi kid” threw it without having seen it. And everyone in the media just eats it up. It’s like when people get mugged or robbed in America, and the media is all too happy to start searching for a “black male” even if the attacker is unknown.

  2. “Frum” child???? He is about as “frum” as my cat.
    Certain parts of the so-called “chareidi” community are m’chadesh chiddushim in creating chillul ha’shem, and they destroy the sterling reputations of the vast majority of their TRULY frum neighbors. For shame…

  3. |She did not see the attacker, explaining “I was in shock and simply did not know how to react. They took me to Hadassah and I am still there”.|

    So where did the : |a chareidi child on Tuesday, 13 Iyar, threw a rock at a 50-year-old woman R”L when he decided she was not dressed modestly.| come from? She admits that she neither saw her attacker nor heard any reason for the attack. As far as anyone knows, the rock could have fallen from a roof or been thrown by someone she know and does not like her.

    This is disgusting and irresponsible reporting. Are reporters seeing visions and hearing divine voices now?

  4. really a shame that kids are taught that throwing rocks is a ‘frum’ thing.

    the parents should have to do community work.

  5. “Ramat Beit Shemesh; which is primarily chareidi”
    Actually, Ramat Beit Shemesh Beit and Gimmel are primarily chareidi. Ramat Beit Shemesh ALEPH is mixed.

  6. These kids must have been taught some fraudulent version of the Torah, where Moshe Rabenu threw the Luchos at the people because they were worshiping the golden calf.

  7. Usually when a kid throws rocks at other people, it tells you a lot about the parents.
    My guess is, that if an adult is not happy, depressed, angry, bitter or maybe not successful, this may cause him do go crazy. On March 10, 2017, there was a neo-nazi rally in Skokie, you can look it up, they were throwing rocks at the house of a black man.

  8. Aryeh Zelasko,,, You’re so right, I was about to write the same thing, you just caught me out,
    The Israeli media paved the way for everything against CHAREDI, be it ARMY, CHIKLUL SHABBOS, DESECRATING GRAVES, etc,,,, they became an easy target .
    & to all the come be careful, we’re in the midst of counting the OMER,

  9. What amazes me the most here is the comments fro some people who obviously have their heads stuck so far, that they just cant see reality. How can you possibly defend this? And to “ready now”, how dare you make a comment like that? are you prefect? Do you think throwing a rock at her head will make her “get the hint”. If anything, it backfired. That was a very stupid comment made by an ignorant fool. As “kollelman” stated, these kids are being taught a very perverted version of the torah. Just a couple of days ago, a video was posted of little kids screaming “chardak” at a frum soldier. Whoever is responsible for bringing up these kids is failing miserably.

  10. First of all her name is Rachel Asraf not Sifra.
    Secondly, this is not the first violent incident to happen in that area (a section of Beit Shemesh where the Dati-Leumi and non-religious, and the “Chareidi” neighborhoods converge.) There have been rocks thrown at women as well as men. Name calling is a general occurrence. A week or two ago, a young religious soldier (wearing a knitted kippah) was surrounded by young cheder boys around the ages of 10 or 11 and they began to call him horrible names and ran after him. A neighbor of his happened to pass by and he jumped into his car and was rescued. For the last few weeks, people have been reporting in local Beit Shemesh Facebook groups that their cars have been blocked by young chareidi kids who have ripped off their Israeli flags from their cars. The kids have gone as far as opening up the doors of cars to that they can reach in to take flags from the inside of the car. Adults have stood by doing absolutely nothing.
    Thirdly, there were witnesses who saw the youth throw the rock but they were unable to catch him.
    It is very sad what we are seeing. I’m sure that the majority of Orthodox Jews living in Ramat Beit Shemesh bet are good, decent shomrei mitzvot. The problem is that they are silent as the minority acts with violence and creates ill will between their fellow Jews. It doesn’t help that the Mayor of Beit Shemesh has not fulfilled his promise to put security cameras in the areas where the extremist have been attacking people, and that very often by the time police respond to complaints, the perpetrators are long gone.
    The fact that it took this long for someone to end up hospitalized is actually surprising. Thank G-d Rachel Asraf is recuperating at home now.
    I have lived in Beit Shemesh for over 20 years and it was a place where all types of Jews lived together in harmony. Unfortunately, that is not the case right now and it’s all the more the pity.

  11. How many of you commentators actually live in BS/RBS? I do. Firstly, you have no idea of the level of hatred these fanatics feel. Secondly, you have no idea what we – including Chareidim/Chassidim- go through from these lunatics.

    Last year, my husband’s car was stoned by kids in Bet. He stopped & got out – he wears a big black yarmulke, full beard, tzitzit out, but that didn’t matter to these animals. These incidents aren’t isolated and they don’t need any excuse to start. They have been indoctrinated by the Rebbis, parents, & Rebbeim – someone I know had her car attacked by a group of schoolkids and their Rebbi stood and watched. This is Chinuch? Ahavat Yisrael? It must be their version.

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