Pressure on Israel for Additional Concessions to the PA

Whatever the political climate US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will grasp the moment to turn to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and demand he make additional concessions to the PA (Palestinian Authority), to do anything to advance the so-called peace negotiations between Israel and the PA. With the inclusion of the Kadima Party in the ruling coalition the secretary of state used the opportunity to once again call on Israel to take the necessary steps to advance the stalled negotiating process with the PA.

With elections on the US forecast, a peace deal of any kind would give a big push to the reelection campaign of US President Barak Obama, whose Republican opponent shows 50% support in recent polls, an unprecedented high rating for the latter. There can be no doubt that the incumbent, who trailed in the poll, will use his office to advance policies that will advance his campaign as well as White House policy.

The prime minister’s personal shaliach, attorney Yitzchak Molcho traveled to Ramallah with a letter from the prime minister for PA leader Abu Mazen, a response to his demands to Israel towards resuming negotiations. The Ramallah meeting was held on motzei Shabbos.

Aides to the prime minister explained to the media the response was to a letter given to the prime minister last month.

The PA is calling for a return to the realities of 2000 in Yehuda and Shomron, that is to say the removal of any and all structures that were added after that date. This would also be the case regarding so-called outposts, including Beit El’s Ulpana neighborhood and other communities on the government agenda to legalize them. Abu Mazen continues to blame the Israeli government for weaken his overall position in the PA, warming that if a major change does not occur very soon, the situation may be irreversible.

The PA leader declined to comment on the new Israeli coalition, with the inclusion of the Kadima Party, explaining it is too soon to judge. Regarding hunger striking terrorists in Israeli prisons, the PA leader calls upon Israel to hear and respond to the demands of the prisoners. Responding to the death of one of the hunger strikers last week, Abu Mazen warned that if the current situation continues, it could “lead to disaster”, warning events may get out of control.

He accuses Israel of procrastinating, insisting “it is to Israel’s advantage to stall at present but who knows what will be in the future”, releasing a message to Jerusalem to comply with prisoner demands and other issues towards the resumption of talks and reaching a comprehensive agreement based on the “two-state solution and the establishment of the State of Palestine based on the pre-June 1967 borders”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. This has been the news of the last 20 years.
    Israel is demanded of to GIVE GIVE GIVE especially b4 the OBAMA election.

  2. The PA is calling for a return to the realities of 2000
    So they start a war, lose ground, and then want to go back to how things were and not suffer any consequences for what they did? That’s like Germany in 1944 demanding to go back to the status of 1939 — or even of 1941!

    in Yehuda and Shomron,

    What about Aza?

    that is to say the removal of any and all structures that were added after that date.

    You know, that actually wouldn’t be a bad deal — if it included all Arab structures put up after that date. Arab building in the territories has been much more extensive than Jewish building. And nobody talks about it. By all means, tear down every Arab structure that was put up since 2000, retreat from every place they have settled, and we will do the same. There’s no reason we should, since we have built only where we had a right to do so, but it might be worth it anyway. Of course they’d never agree to it.

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