Update on Maran R’ Elyashiv Shlita

According to a Kol Berama Radio report, Maran Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita showed “significant improvement” on Shabbos based on statements from his doctors.

The posek hador does not require life support as was the case during recent weeks. The report added that on Shabbos afternoon the rav was permitted to get up and daven mincha with others. The rav actually went to the hospital’s shul, wearing his shtreimel. Doctors and the rabbonim accompanying the rav were amazed to put it mildly, with Rav Kook adding “there is no doubt that this is the result of tefilos from yidden around the world”.

The gadol hador, who according to most accounts is 102, has been hospitalized for over two months and at times, on total life support and comatose yet B’chasdei Hashem, the gadol hador is once again conscious and apparently regaining his strength.

The tzibur is requested to continue being mispallel for Rav Yosef Sholom ben Chaya Musha b’soch kol cholei am yisrael.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


11 Responses

  1. we must continue to daven hard for the gadol hador. we have no idea what a protection he provides for am yisroel, especially at this time. we must not, chas v’shalom, say he is very old, what do you expect etc. chalila vechas. his arichus yamim is in the zechus of his 90 years of hasmada atzuma – if the ribbono shel olam can invest in unknown goyim to live until 114+, surely with our tefilos and the zechus of the the gadol’s learning He can give him many many more years to lead and guide us, bishvil reishis…. for the sake of the torah and for the sake of am yisroel. ken yehi ratzon

  2. Amazing!
    I’m not sure what you mean by most that by most accounts he’s 102. There is a published handwritten letter from his grandfather written the day after his bris to that effect. That pretty much makes any other information irrelevant.

  3. Wow! Best news I heard in a long time. May he get completly back to his strength and lead us as in the past.

  4. I never thought I would write a comment here. ACCORDING TO MANY POSKIM, BY SPREADING SUCH NEWS, YOU HAVE A DIN OF A RODEF. People might slow down on their tehillim etc. I actually just saw this brought down this week. There is no need for you to be updating such information

    Moderators Note: Can you please give us the Maar Mekomos where you saw this “brought down”?

    We’re all waiting!

  5. Sarcasm noted. I’m not one of these commentaters that go postal on you. Just making a point. I forgot where I saw it but I am checking into it. Other than giving people a reason to come back to this site (wonderful site), what toeles is there until Rav Eliyashev is Totally better to give updates? Again – GREAT SITE, but some daas torah on this subject is due. If you did ask, I am truly sry. I really did see this psak recently, I just can’t find it.

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