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House Democrats: NYPD Should Purge Files On Surveillance Of Muslim Neighborhoods

House Democrats on Thursday urged the New York Police Department to purge its intelligence databases of information gleaned from its clandestine spying on Muslim neighborhoods.

They also criticized the Obama administration for offering tepid responses to questions about whether it endorses such tactics.

Lawmakers introduced a resolution Thursday calling for an end to NYPD programs that infiltrated mosques and monitored even innocent conversations in cafes and bookstores. Muslim business owners were included in police files, even with no allegations of wrongdoing.

The resolution has little chance of passing but it followed a heated debate Wednesday night over a House amendment that would have banned racial profiling by any department that receives federal money. Rep. Rush Holt, D-N.J., introduced the amendment, saying wholesale surveillance has proven ineffective in disrupting terrorist plans.

“Contrary to the blanket assertions by some that the tactics have kept New York City safe, the NYPD failed to uncover two actual plots against New York City,” Holt said, referring to attempted bombings in Times Square and the New York subway system.

That prompted a strong objection from Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., one of Capitol Hill’s most vocal defenders of the NYPD.

“We should be here tonight giving the NYPD a medal,” King said. “We sit here, 10 1/2 years after September 11, and the most effective law enforcement, counterterrorism unit in the country is being attacked?”

The NYPD says its tactics are all lawful and necessary to keep the city safe.

It’s unclear where the Obama administration stands. White House grants helps pay for the NYPD’s programs but the White House says it has no control over how the money is used.


3 Responses

  1. Let me get this straight: The NYPD should throw away potentially useful intelligence, potentially vital intelligence, just because the Dems don’t like the way it was gathered?! Do they really not know there’s a war on? Or are they on the other side?

  2. So now the federal govt is mixing into city business? Its not enough that they overreach by sticking they’re nose in state affairs? What’s next? Ordering local groups what they can and can’t do?

  3. It’s called “intelligence” for a reason, otherwise it would be called statistics. Facts are facts the NYPD has thwarted and detained any and all terrorist activity over the last 11 years. I could care less if they’re feeling are hurt. You think Arabs would have the chutzpah to argue these modes of surveillance back in their home countries? How do you think these bad guys find men like Pearl and Weinstein?

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