OU Disapointed by Pres. Obama’s Endorsement of Same Gender Marriage

Today, the leadership of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America issued the following statement in reaction to President Barack Obama’s endorsement of legal recognition for same sex marriage:

The Orthodox Union is disappointed by today’s statement by President Obama endorsing legal recognition of same sex marriage. Jewish law is unequivocal in opposing same sex relationships. Moreover, marriage and family has long been a prime value for the Jewish people. While Judaism also teaches respect for others and condemns discrimination we, as Orthodox Jewish leaders, oppose any effort to change the definition of marriage to include same sex unions.

Such legalization is also problematic with regard to religious liberty, as dissenting institutions are pressured to support or recognize relationships they cannot. Thus, we appreciate President Obama’s statement today acknowledging that in states where same sex relationships are legally recognized, such laws must carefully address and protect the religious liberties of dissenting individuals and institutions, and the President’s reported reference to the New York State law (on whose strong religious liberty provisions the OU worked) as a model for how such protections must be in place.

The Orthodox Union will continue its efforts to advance the values and interests of our community in the public square through civility and the democratic process.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. Why does the OU care? Does this affect the OU in any way?

    Does anyone benefit from this topic being loudly discussed on front pages of frum media?

  2. As indicated by their eloquent statement above, the OU is much, much more than our largest Kashrus certifier. Among their major Chesed activities is the OU Job Board, for job training and job placement: http://www.oujobs.org

  3. It’s hard and getting harder to “advance the values and interests of our community” when you’re living in S’dom.

  4. Any other leftist cause this “president” has not supported. he is supporting occupy wall street which is back by SEIU a governmental workers union which wants a one world government. Remember who obama friends are SEIU, Van Jones, Bill Ayers and wife, george anti Jewish anti Israel soros. With these friends America does not need out side enemy we are being destroyed from within

  5. MODERATORS NOTE: Have Agudah email YWN any press releases or statments they wish to publicize.

    Thanks so much.

  6. #8 You will be waiting a long time.
    Agudah’s trsdition is not to criticize the politician at the helm, no matter why? He is needed to further jewish and religious needs.

    The democratic party has become the gender-as-you-wish party for marriage. See you at the Republican booth at the next election.

  7. #2, yes, of course it affects the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations. We are commanded to try to get the whole world to obey the 7 mitzvos bnei noach. When they move away from those mitzvos, it’s our duty to protest.

  8. The Agudah did come out with a statement here it is its been on the EDITED.

    MODERATORS NOTE: If the Agudah issued a statement and wants it published on YWN, have them send it to us.


  9. I can’t imagine anyone is surprised that this mamzer takes these kinds of stands. He has NO morals (or virtues!) Our only hope is to kick this guy far, far away!

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