Prince Philp Announces he Will Step Down from Future Royal Engagements

Social media has been abuzz since the royal household staff was summoned to an emergency meeting at Buckingham Palace.

It is now being announced that the Duke of Edinburgh is retiring from royal duties this autumn.

The official message released by a Palace spokesman states, “He will no longer carry out public engagements from the autumn of this year. In taking this decision, the Duke has the full support of The Queen”.

It is added the decision is that of Prince Philip himself, and it is added that the prince will attend previously scheduled events until August, but the prince will not accept new invitations.

Prince Philip will turn 96 next month and according to Buckingham Palace, he “will no longer play an active role by attending engagements”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. This was the emergency staff meeting they were summoned to? I thought Queen Elizabeth and her husband wanted to confess the atrocities they committed and retiring their final years in jail. On Oct 10, 1964 children from a Canadian Indian Catholic school in Kamloops British Columbia were taken for a picnic to a meadow near Dead Man’s Creek. Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Phillip joined them. A while later this royal couple left with 10 children between the ages 6-14 who were never seen or heard from again!

    The order to arrest Queen Elizabeth was issued in 2013 by six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. About a year later, in May 2014, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were found guilty and prosecuted for kidnapping these children along with the torturing and murdering of 50,000 cases of other missing children! The reason for their kidnapping, torturing and murdering all these children is too gruesome to post here.

  2. chilliworker: Sadly it’s very true and kidnapping children for their sick satanic ritual has been going on for decades and is still continuing today with those in high position of power around the world! The Queen, the Pope and the church were the ones behind all that murder that had been covered up for 50 years. You can find it all over the net. Search for any of the words in my post.

  3. that’s what it sounded like to me too, but, i checked it out and there seems to be some truth to the story.
    aryeh, can you tell me what the church does with those children? use their blood for matzos?
    what’s this genocide business, and how come the world is so quiet about it?

    on the other hand, in what zechus does the queen and her husband have arichus yomim?

  4. Richard, your attitude is the problem of our generation. Instead of looking into the matter that there might be some truth to it, you and your ilk simply reject the facts as deranged, propaganda, conspiracy, nonsense and Russian interference. You, like many of your kind, prefer to hear from fakestream media shmutz and lies on honest and good people, like Trump, and hush up the truth on corruptions of high ranking world figures, like Hillary, Comey, the Queen, etc. – all who belong in jail. You don’t need much time and sophistication to find it all with all the details on the net.
    Of course it doesn’t make much sense from such high ranking people to do such criminal activities, which is why they can get away with it because they feel they’re above the law and most people (like you) wouldn’t believe it anyhow. That is why Hillary is also able to get away with all her criminal atrocities, murder and such rituals and is still not behind bars and can propagandize over and over again the Russian interference baloney with the media supporting her and portraying her mamash as a tzadeikus and Trump as evil.
    With dates, names and cities supplied and a bit of effort it can all be verified easily. But you first need a change of attitude and get your head out of the sand.

    Chilli, “some truth”? Are you embarrassed to admit that it’s 100% true? You have to learn to stick up for the truth and not fear being slandered and called “deranged”. With a bit more research you’ll see that there’s not 1% untruth and it’s much worse than what I wrote. The blood is for their satanic rituals and royal inbreeding problems. The world is quiet because they fear repercussions. They are afraid of these powerful people and are not ready to be on Hillary’s Body Count or Body Counts from these satanic devilish groups. I don’t know Hashem’s reason for arichus yomim for such reshoim, perhaps they did some good deeds and are getting their reward in this world, like many Nazis who also committed humongous atrocities and lived long.

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