Pataki To Obama: Where Do You Stand On Same-Gender Marriage?

The Daily Politics Blog reports:

Former Gov. George Pataki this morning called on President Obama to take a stand on gay marriage.

“Either you’re for something or your against it,” Pataki, a gay marriage opponent, said.

While Vice President Joe Biden over the weekend revealed his support for gay marriage, Pataki accused Obama of “looking to have both sides where he’s appealing to those who are supportive of gay marriage but is afraid to alienate those who don’t.”

He cited Obama’s overheard comment about having more flexibility after the election.

“I think the American people deserve to know today where President Obama stands today and where he will stand next year on this issue,” Pataki said.

The former three-term Republican governor as well as state GOP Chairman Ed Cox held a conference call with reporters this morning in advance of Obama’s trip to Albany for a speech on the economy at the booming SUNY Albany Nano Technology complex.


12 Responses

  1. Unfortunately, the only arguments against it are from a Torah perspective. This country has the mixed blessing of separation of church and State.

    If same gender marriage is illegal, znus should also be illegal.

  2. #1You are readng too much of contemporary media, who is totally distorting the issue. The issue really is the definition of marriage, which for much of recent history has been between one man and one woman. By your logic, bigamy should be also permitted, as all people should be free to foist their own opinion of what marriage is on broader society.

  3. #1,
    Here is an important issue you are overlooking.
    I agree seperation of church/state, and i even agree to have civil unions (under my breath i add “nebech on their neshomeh”) but it is an outrage that gays require Gay MARRIAGE. Have all the legal protections you want, but dont water down what was marriage for centuries just because gays want to feel vindicated.
    So #1 you’ve been answered.

  4. Frum Jews should make it very clear about where they stand on this issue and all issues that have to do with sexual morality. We cannot coerce others but since the laws of this country give us the oppurtunity to vote and voice our opinion we should do it for ourselves as well as for welfare of the country that we live in.
    It may very well be that the continuous lowering of moral standards is a factor that is weakening our country and bringing our economy down.

  5. Yserbius: Bad as it is, znus is never labeled as toeiva by the Torah. On the other hand, incest relationships are labeled toeiva -and as far I know- its illegal to marry a family member in this country.

    At least those things that are considered abominable by the Torah should be accepted as not legal for marriage. Marriage is a moral and religion based concept, and as long as we can fight the despicable standards that society wants to push on us, the better.

  6. #1 And for most of the USA’s history znus was illegal in most states. There’s nothing in the constitution that says it can’t be; the Supreme Court made that up. But the two issues are not at all similar; same-sex “marriage” is not illegal; it simply doesn’t exist. It’s never been a crime in any state to “marry” someone of the same sex; but in all states until recently, and in most states today, the law takes no notice of it. Even if the Supreme Court was right to say that states have no authority to make znus a crime, that’s a far cry from saying that they are compelled to give legal status to “marriages” they don’t think are valid.

  7. #5, lots of things are called toeivah. Treif. Owning false weights and measures. Avodah Zarah.

    The real point, however, is that as Jews we are commanded to do whatever we can to ensure that the nations obey their mitzvos. In the USA there is little that we can do, but whatever influence we do have, we are obligated to use. And the Torah doesn’t recognise any “separation”.

  8. That’s rignt, znus SHOULD be illegal. And like Milhouse pointed out, it WAS illega, for hundreds of years in America. But even if it isnt , toeiva “marriage” should still remain illegal. In fact, toeiva itself was illegal in most of the US until recently.

    Anyone who supports toeiva marriage is a hypocrite unless they also support polygamous marriage and support brothers marrying sisters or mothers marrying sons.

  9. A number of headlines I saw today said, “Obama takes wide stance on gay marriage,” so you figure it out.

  10. #3:

    I would agree with you but for the fact that the government is in the business of defining marriage. I would much prefer that the word “marriage” be stricken from any laws and be left solely to the various religions to define as they will. That, to me, seems the only workable way of getting rid of the issue.

    Extend secular benefits under civil union laws to those who so wish to partake. Let clergy from each religion decide who they believe should be allowed the religious title of “married.”

    I think it’s a reasonable and workable solution. Unfortunately, both sides of the issue are not interested in a solution, they are interested in scoring cheap political points from the battle itself.

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