Werdiger Responds to Rav Blau’s Accusations

Rav Chanoch Werdiger, founder of the Tov Party, responded to accusations from Rav Mordechai Blau that he abused public funding and the fact that Werdiger, who represents the “working chareidim” simply is acting contrary to the way of gedolei yisrael shlita and posing a great threat to Am Yisrael than Yair Lapid, known for his ultra-secular political hashkafa.

Werdiger responded to the accusations in the same forum they were made, interviewed by Kol Berama Radio’s Mordechai Lavi. “I am happy that the son of Rabbi Dovid Nachman Blau established Nachal Chareidi speaks about topics I am familiar with has more knowledge on these matters than I”.

Werdiger rejected any and all accusations that any funds, government and/or private donations are being used inappropriately, confirming these funds are however used to assist “working chareidim”. He explained the actions of people involved are transparent and everything is done above board.

Werdiger did not hold back, pointing out the hypocrisy of Rav Blau pointing an accusing finger regarding misuse of funds, clearly stating one who lives in a glass house should not throw stones.

Werdiger explained his anger, stating simply that if one looks at Uri Maklev and Moshe Gafne, one sees how the Degel MKs handle themselves, with respect for themselves and others, while Blau, who claims to represent Degel simply lacks the basic elements and character traits of the party and these individuals. He further stated that he too acts respectfully and while persons may disagree, there is room for different opinions and a need for respect and tolerance. “As a chareidi Jew, I am embarrassed that Motka Blau represents us in any way”.

When Lavi pointed out that Blau has dedicated his life to the chinuch of Jewish children, Werdiger stated “If he is so good at it, then he should remain with just that and stop trying to be the spokesman for the chareidi tzibur. It is simply shameful. Who appointed him? Doesn’t he understand that he gets air time because he is comical? He may be pleased with this type of exposure but other chareidim are simply ashamed”.

YWN-ISRAEL spoke with R’ Werdiger some time ago and he explained that his party seeks to represent the many chareidim who are pleased with their way of life, chareidi yiddishkheit, but are not cut out to sit and learn all day, but wish to join the work force, some serving in the military and others not, but seeking a way to lead productive lives, preferring not to simply hang around a beis medrash to avoid induction into the IDF. Werdiger explained that “work” is not a dirty word and not contrary to torah values and it is unfortunate that some feel a need to discredit chareidim that are members of this community, the working class.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I still for the life of me cannot understand why can’t they be in the same political party as the Yeshiva guys.

  2. #1 The answer is quite simple.
    The “Yeshiva Guy” political party was established and is focused on gaining the most benefits for yeshivos, kollels and mosdos hatorah only. While the new party, Poalei Agudah will need to make a 45degree turn to negociate benefits for working individuals, tax benefits for salaries, housing discounts, transportation vouchers, etc. etc. We have been waiting for the rebirth of the old “Poalei Agudah”, about time.

  3. What about the accusation that he is working contrary to the Gedolei Yisroel? In this article their is no response to that claim.

  4. To No. 3…Why should he have to respond to such lashon haroh? In any event, we are talking about a political agenda in a democratic society. whatever you mean by working contrary “Gadolei Yisroel”, he has every right to pursue his own political agenda whether or not it conforms with the idealogy of these “gadolim” (whoever they are).

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