R’ Mordechai Blau on Chareidi Issues

“While Yated Ne’eman is run by gedolei yisrael, it remains a private newspaper and it is not the newspaper of Degel HaTorah” stated Rav Mordechai Blau on Monday. Rav Blau, who heads Mishmeres HaKodesh V’HaChinuch, made his comment during an interview with Kol Berama Radio in reference to the paper’s attack against “HaChareidim HaChadashim” (The new chareidim). He was referring to Rav Chanoch Werdiger of Poalei Agudas Yisrael and his Tov Party.

During the interview with Mordechai Lavi, Rav Blau commented on the fact that the main siyum HaShas is planned in a venue that is mechalel Shabbos.

Rav Blau explained the last siyum was held in the Nokia Stadium in Tel Aviv which is also not shomer Shabbos. He explained rabbonim have been trying to find a suitable location and they finally agreed on HaMoshava Stadium in Petach Tikvah, simply stating there is no other option since they are all mechalel Shabbos.

R’ Blau explained that gedolei hador were approached, asked which option is preferable, a more successful siyum in a stadium that is mechalel Shabbos or a less successful event in a shomer Shabbos venue. By “successful” he referred to a number of issues, including safety and organizational abilities. The gedolim instructed them to use the hall which says it is shomer Shabbos, despite the fact that here and there chilul Shabbos does take place since this appears to be the best available option.

As the interview continued R’ Blau was asked to comment on the internal conflict in Degel regarding the “working chareidim” which Degel states are not their constituents. He was referring to Chanoch Werdiger, son of the former Yahadut HaTorah MK and Knesset Finance Committee Chairman Rav Werdiger, who has recently been quite audible, granting media interviews, pushing his “working chareidi” Poalei Agudas Yisrael agenda, which appears to anger Degel leaders.

Blau stated that Werdiger is basically breaking off on his own and his actions are not endorsed by gedolei yisrael. Blau accuses Werdiger of lacking yiras Hashem and being worse for Am Yisrael than Yair Lapid.

And finally, R’ Blau addressed Yated’s confrontational approach to the “new chareidim” by explaining the newspaper is simply not a party paper but a private venture. Hamodia is affiliated with Agudah he explained and HaMevaser “to whomever it belongs” and Yated has affiliated itself with gedolei yisrael but if the newspaper insults someone, that is not Gafne’s fault or responsibility. It is simply a private newspaper.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Hurray finally a return of Poali Agudahs Yisroel party!!!

    Working clientelle sometimes have needs, requirements and laws that the other party is not pushing or encouraging.

  2. I do not understand why it cannot be done outside. The Siyum is around the 15th of Av. It probably won’t rain. Pick a city with dry air. It will probably happen in the evening as in America. They will set up huge screens and so on.
    Bus the people in to a piece of open farmland somewhere.

  3. Motke Bloy is an opportunistic professional troublemaker who found his calling (and probably parnasah) as self-proclaimed Godol Hador or at least the unappointed spokesman for the Gedolim. His opinion on anything is shallow, irrelevant, self- serving. Though he may give an impression of great frumkeit, I doubt his integrity.

    In short- who the **** is Motke Bloy??

  4. “the “working chareidim” which Degel states are not their constituents.”

    Nice to hear that. Had we been in Israel we would have voted Meretz instead.

  5. If we were concerned about Achdus in klal yisroel, all newspaper, blog and website editors would gather together in citi field and be addressed regarding the dangers of the media, the hate it spreads and be given guidelines under which to operate. Recommendation 1 I suspect would be to report on news, not spread rechilus. This “news story” is the classic example of “peddling” Rashi gives.

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