Imprisoned Terrorists Continuing Hunger Strike

According to Israel Prison Authority officials there are about 4,600 imprisoned “security prisoners”, the term used for terrorists, in Israeli jails. The number of hunger strikers depends on who one asks, but it appears to range between a quarter and half of the total number of security prisoners, who have refused food for the past 19 days. A small core of prisoners have been taking part in the strike for longer, some for over 2 months and 10 are currently in prison hospitals due to their deteriorating condition.

Hamas members have released messages in recent days that “if a single one of them dies, Israel should prepare for the unexpected”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. I say let them die. By feeding them it is costing the israelis tax payers. We should then send send them bit by bit back to there families.

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