Concerns Regarding Maran R’ Ovadia’s Health

Many are concerned regarding the well-being of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita, who stopped his live broadcasted motzei Shabbos shiur last night, the eve of 14 Iyar 5772 after explaining he did not feel well.

At one point, the rav stopped the shiur and asked to take a break in his private room, telling his gabbaim he did not feel well. Kol Berama Radio, which carries the divrei torah live was compelled to halt the broadcast a number of times.

The rav returned from his break after a brief few minutes but he sounded as if he was having difficulty and he was coughing from time-to-time.

The rav did complete the shiur despite the difficulties.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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