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The Gloves Come Off As Obama Launches Reelection Campaign

Opening what is likely to be a bitter and grueling election, President Obama held his first official campaign rally here in the Buckeye State, cranking up his populist pitch while slamming his likely opponent Mitt Romney and congressional Republicans.

Speaking at his first official campaign rally six months and a day before Election Day, a fiery and combative Obama, his sleeves rolled up, touted a “forward-looking American” while taking a series of shots at his likely opponent before a raucous audience in this swing state.

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“Ohio, we cannot give him that chance. Not now. Not with so much at stake,” Obama said at Ohio State University, his voice growing louder with every line. “We’ve been through too much to turn back now.”

“We’ve come too far to abandon the change we have fought for,” Obama said speaking before a large banner “Forward,” which has emerged as the president’s re-election slogan. “We have to move forward.”

Hitting the stump with first lady Michelle Obama — who introduced him — the president mentioned his almost certain opponent Mitt Romney by name, a practice he had largely avoided until Saturday.

In his speech, he complimented Romney for being a successful businessman. But he also knocked him for being an out-of-touch billionaire who “has drawn the wrong lessons from those experiences” in the business world.

“Corporations aren’t people,” Obama said, slamming Romney’s previous comments. “People are people.”

The speech comes on the heels of a jobs report released Friday, which found that only 115,000 jobs were added in April. At the same time, the economy continues to struggle after the deepest recession in decades, which has left millions unemployed and a jobless rate hovering above 8 percent.

Obama was met by an enthusiastic crowd at the university, where supporters carried signs that read “Forward.”

Conjuring up memories of his successful 2008 campaign, Obama emerged on the stage to the same U2 song, “City of Lights,” that played before he accepted the Democratic nomination in Denver almost four years ago. And like 2008, the crowd chanted “Fired Up, Ready to Go,” which became a campaign mantra during the president’s first bid.

But the arena was not a sell out. The 14,000 in attendence left empty sections in the upper deck of the 18,300 seat arena, a different image than four years ago when the president — then a fresh-faced senator who changed the political landscape — addressed sell out crowds across the country.

Still, the rally was quite the spectacle, complete with a jumbo video screen, which showed video clips of 2008 and highlights of Obama’s first term — including the moment where he sang Al Green.

During the speech, time and again, he sought to portray Romney as having starkly different views on issues ranging from the economy to the war in Afghanistan.

But the focus was on the economy, the key issue in this election. Obama said he wanted to pay down the debt in a way that is “balanced and responsible.” And he trumpeted his support for the middle class by saying, “I refuse to pay for another millionaire’s tax cut.”

Romney, who did not have any public events on Saturday, quickly slammed the president through a spokesman in a campaign statement saying Obama, “still needs to answer for the promises he made to Ohioans nearly four years ago.”

“From skyrocketing gas prices to increasing insurance premiums, President Obama’s economic policies have failed Ohio families and demonstrated that this president does not have what it takes to get our economy moving again,” Ryan Williams, a Romney campaign spokesman said.

(Source: The Hill)

4 Responses

  1. What gloves? When has 0bama worn gloves? When has he not been campaigning? His administration has been a permanent campaign. He’s already held more fundraisers than the five previous presidents put together!

  2. It sounds like Obama is going with nice words and exciting ideas that may be based on thin air. It worked for him 4 years ago and I’m afraid that it may work again.

  3. How about running on your dismal record??? Oh, like any socialist liberal, you wont do that because if you did, you wouldnt get a single vote.

    Go back to Chicago!

  4. According to the Toledo Blade, the arena holds 20,000, not 18,300, and it looked half empty. This should be a major embarrassment for 0bama.

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