Yeshuos Rashbi & Chai Rotel

Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to come and join in the celebration of the memory of the Tanna Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai. All Jews from all different walks of life come and join together, dancing and singing. The air is filled with simcha and hope as everyone prays that Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai should help them with whatever they need in their lives.

More than 430 years ago, the first Rashbi hachnassas orchim group was formed to prepare for the special day’s gigantic crowds. In 1998 Rabbi Yehoshua Biderman founded Yeshuos Rashbi to continue this tradition.

Yeshuos Rashbi has begun their preparations to accommodate the largest Jewish gathering in the world. The tents are all ready set up and our staff has spent sleepless nights preparing the largest Seudas Hillulah D’Rebbe Shimon in Meron. We are preparing hundreds of tables and thousands of chairs to accommodate the largest crowd ever and of course we have brought thousands of liters of drinks and hundreds of pounds of cake to give out as Chai Rotel.

On the day Rebbe Shimon left this world, he gathered his closest students together and shared with them the secrets of the Holy Torah. He told them that this day should be a day of rejoicing and celebration because it is my day of joy. He promised his students that anyone who contributes to increasing simcha on his Yartzeit; he will increase simcha in their lives. Countless people have seen tremendous yeshuos because they have given Chai Rotel and contributed to the simcha of Lag B’omer. Whether through yeshuos for children, marriage, livelihood, or health, thousands of people have been helped through the promise of Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai.

The Ta’amei HaMinhagim says that countless people that had difficulty having children, finding a shidduch, recovering from an illness or attaining a livelihood were successful only after they donated “chai rotel” for the Lag B’omer celebrations in Meron. Rav Ovadia M’Bartenura and the Sh’loh Hakadosh also confirm the success of donating to increase the simcha of Lag B’omer in Meron.

The Talmud and the Sages explain that miracles were routine for Rebbe Shimon even after he had left this world. The Arizal says, “On Lag B’omer the Tanna Rashbi stands at his holy resting place and blesses each and every person that comes to pray there and rejoice in his name on his holy Yartzeit.”

We invite you to come and join us in the simcha in honor of Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai in Meron. If you are not able to come to Meron but would like to be there in spirit, you can still have a part in this big simcha and may Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai increase the simcha in your life!

To donate Chai Rotel visit or call 718-301-9808 or e-mail [email protected]


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