Marine Critical Of President Obama Is Out Of The Marine Corps

Gary Stein, the Marine ordered discharged for criticizing President Obama on the Internet, is now out of the Marine Corps.

Stein, who was a sergeant, posted the news Thursday on his Facebook page: “Although today was my last day in the Marine Corps, no one can take the title away from me. Now on to bigger and better things. Semper Fi.”

Ten minutes later, the 26-year-old, who served nine years including a tour in Iraq, posted a comment critical of Obama: “Obama’s not trying to ‘lead the country back to fiscal health.’ He’s trying to ‘fundamentally transform’ this nation.”

Stein was given an other-than-honorable discharge after a general agreed with a finding by an Administrative Separation Board at Camp Pendleton that his comments criticizing Obama were detrimental to good order and discipline.

(Source: LA Times)

8 Responses

  1. He was discharged for announcing he would not obey orders and encouraging others to do likewise. Merely disagreeing with the president’s fiscal policy is not what got him in trouble.

  2. You can’t have an army that allows mutiny. An army isn’t a free speech entity. Even the smart liberals realize this and probably therefor don’t fight the lack of free speech and the like in the army.

  3. Is the 1st Amendment suspended for those in the military???
    I think that is the fundamental (legal) question. If it IS, then this guy was wrong, – if it isn’t, then he should be re-instated.

  4. He is not in Army, get that strait. He is in USMC which is not party of Army. It is part of Naval Department. The Marine Corps has either been part of Navy or Naval Department. So he does not know about the army!

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