NYS Senator Diaz Compares Abortion To The Holocaust

Bronx Pentecostal minister and New York State Senator Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) compared abortion to the Holocaust Tuesday during a rant against a piece of pro-choice legislation.

According to The New York Observer, Diaz wrote in an email to his supporters that, “[Hitler] chose to send the Jews to Auschwitz,” adding, “That was not their choice, that was Hitler’s choice. Murderers, assassins and criminals are pro-choice. They choose to put a gun to your head and take your life. That is not your choice. That is their choice.”

“What God says here is, that if you hurt a pregnant woman and she loses the baby you have to pay a penalty not because it was a blob of tissue that you killed, but because it was a life.”

Etzion Neuer, deputy director of the New York Anti-Defamation League, told The New York Daily News that Diaz’s invocation of Hitler in an abortion debate was “incredibly offensive” and marginalized the memories of the millions who perished in the Holocaust. Diaz “crosses the line when he uses Hitler or the Holocaust to make his point,” Neuer said.

(Source: Huffington Post)

8 Responses

  1. That will really tick off the zionists and the Reform Jews. However the analogy is valid. It’s a disgrace the frum politicians support the pro-abortion party in return for perqus and patronage (ask ourselves, what would we think of a German who said he opposed the holocaust but supported the Nazis since they were good for his community).

    Certainly, based on the legal principles used to prosecute Nazi war criminals for doing what they had every reason to believe was legal and authorized at the time, medical personnel who do abortions (other than those that are medically required) probably could be prosecuted when the law changes. The science has always been very clear that unborn children are alive and sentient, and many legal systems allow them to inherit and criminalize their murder (other than in abortion). One can easily imagine the day when saying that “I was a doctor who did abortion” will be similar to saying in post-war Europe “I was on staff at Auschwitz”.

  2. No, the analogy fails and is in extremely poor taste. The Torah does not hold that the destruction (accidental or intentional) of a fetus is the same as murder of a living person.

    And your statement that “The science has always been very clear that unborn children are alive and sentient” is misleading at best. Are you talking about a 3rd trimester fetus, or a 4-week-old embryo? The differences are enormous, and you do an injustice to Halacha by creating a black-and-white situation out of the Torah view on abortion.

  3. To get a better idea what our president is about. Even AFTER the child is born (after a botched abortion) Obama VOTED 3 TIMES to allow to kill the child because that was the mother’s intent.

  4. The Nazis who promulgated the Holocaust were followers of the Geman zoologist Haeckel, who took the apikorus evolutionary ideas of Charles Darwin to their logical conclusion.

    instead of waiting millions of years to produce an improved version of Mankind, the Germans decided to intervene in the process of evolution (eugenics) and weed out the “misfits” by gassing them in 5 “selection” centers. Even children with acne were murdered in cold blood.

    All this ocurred before the Holocaust. It was German doctors murdering German who were deemed mentally and physically unfit.

    When it came time to eliminate the Jewish “misfits,” it was an easy extension of an atheist evolutionary philosophy that had already taken root among the German elite.

    So, let’s stop pretending that the “Ho;ocaust” is exclusively ours. Senator Diaz is 100% correct in applying the Holocaust to babies who are being murdered just as they were in Nazi Germany.

  5. I agree completely with Kuprmama’a position. If you believe that a fetus is a human, like this Rev. does, then abortin clinics are perpetrating a holocaust against humans. If you were about to be aborted, you would feel the same way.
    As for the Halacha, according to Rav Moshe Feinstien, even first trimester abortion is murder.
    The problem is that some people’s sense of ownership seems to extend to the holocaust, “HOw dare you use MY holocaust to make your point”

  6. Diaz is exactly right. The deliberate murder of millions of babies is a crime of equal proportion to the Holocaust or greater.

    And yes, “justajew”, the Torah does hold that the “destruction” of a fetus is the same as murder of a living person. The penalty is exactly the same as that for killing an adult nochri, or for tying someone to a railroad track and letting the train kill him. Under the laws for Bnei Noach, the penalty is death.

    No, Ezra Hanon, there was not “only one Holocaust in world history”. What makes the murders of 1939-45 different from any other murders? There were many many massacres in world history that were just as bad or worse. Some of them were even of us.

  7. Are you talking about a 3rd trimester fetus, or a 4-week-old embryo?

    According to Torah, there is a difference between a foetus and an embryo. But there is no difference between a 6-week foetus and an 8.5 month one.

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