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Minister Nahari Hops a Bus – One for the Books

Shas Minister-Without-Portfolio Meshulam Nahari was seen riding the bus to his office in the Givat Shaul neighborhood of Yerushalayim. This is not a commonplace occurrence for a cabinet minister. The contract for the minister’s leased car expired and no one bothered to make certain there was a replacement vehicle before his vehicle was picked up.

Nahari seemed okay with the temporary reality and he flashed his Knesset ID and rode for free. Adding to the absurdity is the fact that his bodyguard was compelled to pay for the ride since he does not have a Knesset card.

And while we are at it, the entire reality surrounding the fact he is a minister without portfolio is not just absurd but a costly victory for taxpayers to satisfy Shas. During coalition negotiations the party was assured a certain number of ministerial posts. Since there were no ministries remaining for Nahari to oversee he was appointed a minister-without-a –job, called “a minister-without-portfolio”, with a bodyguard, office, staff and more, but no job responsibilities. In short, he is a cabinet minister who gets to play complements of taxpayers.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. There’s no reason why a minister has to have a portfolio. Being a minister means having a vote in the cabinet, and there’s no particular reason why every cabinet member must run a department.

  2. The fact that he rode on a bus is good considering the ministerial post he possesses without doing anything for it. But on the other hand a certain portion of the tax payers voted shas, and so they are entitled to a portion of the pie, its not their fault that there were so many that joined in spliting the pie. It really goes both ways.

  3. Minister Nahari is an amazing individual who has done much for klal Yisrael and I would respectfully ask you to remove the last two paragraphs of the article in keeping with news that befits the Yeshiva World.

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