Chicago: No-Fly Zone To Be Enforced By Shoot-To-Kill Order During NATO Summit

A new report reveals plans to keep residents and dignitaries safe during the NATO Summit include a no-fly zone, with a shoot-to-kill mandate for those who break the ban.

As CBS 2’s Susanna Song reports, the government is warning small plane pilots that if they enter the no-fly zone during the summit, they may be shot down.

This is no joke. It will be enforced for May 19 to May 21.

The flight advisory was issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. The advisory bans non-commercial aircraft from flying within 10 nautical miles of downtown Chicago and below 18,000 feet.

A nautical mile is about one minute of arc of latitude along any meridian. It amounts to 1,852 meters, or about 1.15078 standard miles.

“The United States Government may use deadly force against the airborne aircraft, if it is determined that the aircraft poses an imminent security threat,” the advisory says. “Be advised that noncompliance with the published (notice to airmen) may result in the use of force.”

The advisory says lesser violations by airmen might result in civil penalties and the suspension of airmen certificates, as well as criminal charges.

The only aircraft allowed to fly within the restricted area include regularly-scheduled commercial passenger and cargo carriers, police, and military planes supporting the Secret Service.

This no-fly zone is not new. It has been enforced in Chicago for presidential visits, and also after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks because of terrorism-related concerns.


One Response

  1. I dont understand. It was regularly-scheduled commercial passenger planes that were used by the 9/11 maniacs. So what makes regularly-scheduled commercial passenger plane different from HIJACKED regularly-scheduled commercial passenger planes? How do we know they are really safe?

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