Rav Eichler Responds Angrily to Livni’s Remarks

MK (Yahadut HaTorah) Rav Yisroel Eichler responded angrily to a statement made by Tzipi Livni on Tuesday, 9 Iyar 5772 as she announced her resignation from Knesset. The defeated Kadima party leader stated she refused to “sell out the country to chareidim…”

Rav Eichler drew a comparison with Europe where there is concern over the number of racist parties and increasing animosity towards foreigners. Eichler stated “The hate and racism are enemies of democracy and they endanger the freedom of citizens and the state, they say there. Also in Israel no one dares to speak about selling the state to African infiltrators and illegal aliens, goyim”.

“Behold, when it comes to chareidim here in Eretz Yisrael, our beloved Homeland over the past thousands of years, since Avraham Avinu’s promise from Hashem ‘כי לזרעך אתן את הארץ הזאת’ political leaders dare to release such racist slurs as were uttered by Ms. Livni during her resignation address” added Eichler.

“Once again she incites against chareidim by saying she is not sorry since she ‘refused to sell out the country to chareidim’ as if the nation is hers and she possesses the right to sell it to foreign aliens like chareidim who infiltrated into the land”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Actually she agreed to sell to the charadim when she tried to close a deal with Litzman

    So she is a liar to boot….

  2. @Zionflag Come on! We have Livni making such statements and your comment is about Litzman not talking more calmly? Maybe you’re a bit predisposed?

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