Deputy Minister R’ Moses: Lieberman Seems to Think This is Soviet Russia

Chadrei Chareidim managed to speak with Deputy Minister of Education (Yahadut HaTorah) R’ Menachem Eliezer Moses as he exited a meeting of the Knesset Interior Committee that addressed preparations in Meron for Lag B’Omer.

Moses made reference to calls by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who feels the sooner elections are held the better.  Interestingly, numerous polls show that Lieberman’s Yisrael Beitenu party will lose seats in the next election, but the foreign minister appears determined to topple the coalition of the Tal Law dispute as quickly as possible.

Lieberman is joining the anti-chareidi momentum and demanding talmidim be compelled to leave yeshivos and enlist in the IDF or an approve alternative national service.

Lieberman’s vision of mandatory draft for all has Moses quite angered. The foreign minister is calling for revamping the system to the exclusion of those who do not serve. This tzibur will not be entitled to any government perks or assistance. “One who does not enlist, as I see his plan, will not be eligible for mortgages or any government assistance, no benefits and such a person’s place is in Siberia. It appears to me perhaps he is in Russia and that this is a Brezhnev regime here today. Whoever does not work on the commune will not be entitled to food or any benefits so we must all join the commune and work”, Moses stated.

“We must understand we are in a millennium after Russia has fallen and the communes have declared bankruptcy a long time ago. Communism died a long time ago but it appears that here, it still exists. As the saying goes, it is easier to take the Jew out of galus than the galus out of the Jew. If this were not so, how can one understand his bill”?

When asked to comment on recent promises made by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to those manning the Jerusalem “Suckers Tent”, Moses stated that for as long as Mr. Netanyahu is sitting shiva for his father, he will not comment.

Moses acknowledges that his party might even earn additional Knesset seats but he feels it is most unfortunate to spend 5 billion NIS to hold general elections. “For what” he asks rhetorically, “since there are 18 months remaining in this administration’s term. I simply don’t understand the prime minister’s approach…”

When asked what can be done now as Lieberman plans to introduce all the bills that he has been holding back, Moses feels that it will resolve itself since there are MKs like Ze’ev Elkin who are experts at burying bills in committee.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Moses is absolutely wrong. We should not be taking anything from the Government. “it is easier to take the Jew out of galus than the galus out of the Jew” I know this sounds out of style but the fact is (and a frum Jew should never forget this) that the Jews are still in Golus until Moshiach comes.
    Indeed Communism has fallen and Zionism will fall too. Redeem yourself stop this foolish attitude. Tell all the Zionist officials “Lo M’duvsheich v’lo m’uktzeich”.

  2. Yes, calling for elections is just like Soviet Russia.

    Oh, and denying people government assistance is exactly like sending them to Siberia. Brezhnev was a libertarian, who left people alone and refused to give them gifts at other people’s expense, and that is why he was evil.

    Now I understand.

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