Airports Up Security On 1st Anniversary Of Osama Bin Laden’s Death

Security at airports across the world is being stepped up amid fears that Al Qaeda may use bombs implanted inside the bodies of terrorists to blow up U.S.-bound airplanes, according to a new report.

American and European security sources told ABC News that Al Qaeda may be looking to exact revenge for Osama Bin Laden’s death in spectacular fashion using explosives that no X-ray body scanner could detect.

The Department of Homeland Security, however, said their intel showed no evidence of a retaliatory attack.

“We have no indication of any specific, credible threats or plots against the U.S. tied to the one-year anniversary of Bin Laden’s death,” the agency said in a statement Monday.

Over the past year, intelligence officials have warned that Al Qaeda’s branch in Yemen, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, has been designing a new generation of bombs that could be sewn inside the bodies of terrorists.

Medical experts said the sci-fi concept wasn’t that far-fetched.

“The surgeon would open the abdominal cavity and literally implant the explosive device in amongst the internal organs,” Dr. Mark Melrose, a New York emergency medicine specialist, told ABC News.

The Yemeni affiliate’s chief bomb maker, Ibrahim al-Asiri, was thought to have died in a U.S. terror strike in Yemen last year, but counterterrorism officials now say he has resurfaced.


One Response

  1. anyone here know what Hashems wake-up call of the killing of bin laden is?

    Osama Bin Laden-the terrorist leader of Al Quada & leader of the terrorist act of
    9/11- was captured & killed on May 1 2011. Israel’s Holocaust memorial day (Yom Hashoa) in 2011 came out also on May 1. Hitler YEMACH SHEMAM commited Suicide on May 1.. put the english date of 5-1 together & get the wake-up message straight from Hashem. you get 51, which chapter in Tehillim is chapter 51? The chaper of Teshuva (repentance) when will klal yisroel wake up & do teshuva? just how many more signs of tragedies C”V will have to happen before we do teshuva? IS THIS MESSAGE & SIGN ENOUGH or does klal yisroel need more Tzaros to get them to wake up & do Teshuva?

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