Delmon Young Suspended For 7 Games After Hate Crime

Delmon Young was suspended by Major League Baseball on Monday for seven days following his arrest on a hate crime harassment charge last week in New York.

The commissioner’s office said the suspension is retroactive to Friday, when Young was arrested after a late-night tussle at his hotel during which police say he yelled anti-Semitic epithets.

“Those associated with our game should meet the responsibilities and standards that stem from our game’s stature as a social institution,” Commissioner Bud Selig said in a statement. “An incident like this cannot and will not be tolerated. I understand that Mr. Young is regretful, and it is my expectation that he will learn from this unfortunate episode.”

The statement from the commissioner’s office also said that Young would be required to participate in a treatment program.

Young is eligible for reinstatement from the restricted list May 4.

Tigers general manager Dave Dombrowski said Young will not appeal the ruling and that he will not face additional discipline by the team when he comes off the restricted list Friday.

“Under the (collective bargaining agreement), there’s no dual discipline,” he said. “He’ll be activated and ready to play on Friday. If he’s not in the lineup, that will be the manager’s decision. He’s been working out over the weekend, and took batting practice today, so he’ll be physically ready on Friday.”

Around 2:30 a.m. Friday, Young was standing outside the team hotel in New York. Nearby, a group of about four Chicago tourists staying at the hotel were approached by a panhandler wearing a yarmulke and a Star of David around his neck, according to police.

Afterward, as the group walked up to the hotel doors, Young started yelling anti-Semitic epithets, police said.

It was not clear whom Young was yelling at, but he got into a scuffle with the Chicago group, and a 32-year-old man was tackled and sustained scratches to his elbows, according to police and the criminal complaint.

Both Young and the group went inside the hotel, and at some point, police were called, and Young was arrested, police said. Young was first taken to a hospital because he was believed to be intoxicated, police said.

Young apologized to his teammates and fans in a statement before being arraigned hours after his arrest.

Dombrowski did not know any of the details of the treatment program. It is not known if Young would undergo sensitivity training, treatment for alcohol and anger issues or some combination.

“We have not been told those details, and we might never know all of them,” he said. “When Miguel (Cabrera) was in a similar program last spring, I never saw the entire treatment program. The team is just told what they need to know to facilitate the player’s work in the program.”

(Source: NBC New York)

10 Responses

  1. Totally inadequate.

    Shame on Major League Baseball.

    Young needs a visit to the Holocaust museaum, followed by 50 hours of Jewish community service- Detroit area has a sizeable Jewish population and he could have been forced to provide baseball clinics to Jewish kids in that area-

    Delman Young forced to watch Jewish kids at Pirchei games !

    That would be a better punishment than a suspension.

  2. #1 Do you really want this guy anywhere near Jewish children? (Not to mention in a teaching/authoritative role.)

  3. #2-

    In an open field, and a supervised environment, why not ?

    Let Delman Young stew and see Jewish kids and parents with their yarmulkes on, and their Tzizt flying as they round the bases.

    Let that image be imprinted in his brain.

    That would be a “Meda Keneged Meda” punishment for this ” baseball player ” antisemite

  4. I really hope this sends a lesson home to Jewish sports fans the world over. We idiotically go to their games and waste time following sports and allow our kids to become fans of lowlifes who hate us and want us dead. We are pathetic in our embracing of those who hate us. Its like we have some masochistic gene that makes us do these things.

  5. Its not just by sports that we do this but I have heard many stories of frum sports fans asking for autographs and being treated very coldly and anti semitically finding out that the great fantastic talented ball player painted as a hero by the media hates us very much. Its funny how these frum fans are then so “shocked and indignant.” We live in a dark Galus that blocks our eyes and dulls our brains.


  7. So true Shaul 1 ,,,,,We would have to shut down baseball parks.The security of getting into one would be horrific. Also – hundreds of our soldiers would be killed in Afganistan.

  8. Perhaps its time for Detroit’s own Mr Baseball to take him to the Jewish ‘hood for an education.

  9. Delmon Young is a crackpot. In AAA he threw a bat at an umpire over a called third strike. He needs a shrink, not “sensitivity training”.

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