Poll: Elections Will Deliver a Blow to Dati Leumi Community

A Dahaf Poll signals if elections were held in Israel today, it would spell disaster for the dati leumi parties, Ichud HaLeumi and HaBayit HaYehudi, with the latter basically being the new National Religious Party/Mafdal.

The poll gives Bayit HaYehudi two mandates, basically placing the party under the minimum threshold to enter Knesset. The same holds true of Ichud HaLeumi, which would drop from its current four seats.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. maybe now the dati people will realize that it’s not anti charedi only, the dati people aren’t welcome as well.

  2. Some good news to start the day with.

    By the way, Ichud Leumi is not a dati leumi party – it is partially secular (Aryeh Eldad is secular, IIRC).

  3. Polling techniques are virtually worthless at predicting shifts of 1%, meaning they aren’t very reliable in looking at trends in Israel.

  4. Hopefully, HaBayit HaYehud (The Jewish Home) can gets its act together. Israel would be well-served by a party which is pro-Zionist, for free markets and not for handing over major portions of Judea & Samaria to the Muslims. Netanyahu & the Likud don’t realize the Muslims already own the vast majority of Palestine; with Jordan alone being 76% of pre-partioned Palestine. Likud can’t be trusted.

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