Knesset Shows Respect in Light of Petira of PM’s Father

Upon hearing of the petira of Prof. Bentzion Netanyahu z”l, the father of the prime minister during the night, opposition party MKs announced they were withdrawing five no-confidence motions on the agenda today, Monday, 8 Iyar 5772, the opening of the summer session of Knesset.

In addition, Defense Minister Ehud Barak announced he would refrain from submitting his new bill, intended to replace the Tal Law until after the shiva.

In the political arena, it is all but certain that elections will be moved up and the government will not complete its term until 2013. Mr. Netanyahu favors elections as soon as possible, perhaps before the Tishrei yomim tovim. There are two reasons for this. His popularity is beginning to wane, while remaining far ahead of any other premiership candidate and secondly, he wants to get elections out of the way before having to address passing the next state budget.

For Kadima, Shas and other parties, such a move is unwanted and they would prefer elections after the yomim tovim to have adequate time to prepare and campaign. Prime Minister Netanyahu realizes that it works in his favor to hold general elections as soon as possible.

Once he makes his decision, the Knesset must pass a vote to dissolve the Knesset. This will bring the summer session to an abrupt end, cut short of its end-of-July 2012 closing date.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. #1 That question is a disgrace:

    1) any Jew deserves kavod hamais
    2) it is a sign of respect to the son who is sitting shiva
    3) Bentzion Netanyahu a’h was a scholar who gave a son, Yonatan, a’h to his people and another son has spent his entire life in service of his people.
    4) He deserves this and much more.BD’E

  2. simon01
    wether he is frum or not does not make a difference and any jew who is nifter should get z”l after their name.

    Stop being so close minded

  3. Regarding specifically this occasion;
    Kol Hakavod L’Haknesset.
    To #1; the issue is not whether the niftar was shomer shabbos, as much as that the knesset behaved like a mentch. Think about that. Why did this bother you?

  4. I agree with #1. ZT”L stands for Zecher TZADIK Levrocha. If the person is a Tzadik they deserve the ZT”L. If not then that is what we have A”H (Alav Hasholom for.

    This is not a knock on the Niftar or on any opinion. It is just stating the facts. If everyone who dies is given the ZT”L reference then it is a knock against all those that deserve it. It would be Lehavdil like referring to the leader of a reform temple with the title Rabbi. By doing so you are degrading the title Rabbi.

  5. #7 if you agree with number one, then first read. It doesn’t say ZT”L it says Z”L. Grow up and show some sensitivity.

  6. To #’s 2,3,4,5 and 6, A Yid who is Not a Shomer Shabbos (even a Tinuk Sh’nishba)his Wine is Stam Yanom, his Baked goods are Pas Palter, his cooked food is Bishul Akum, that’s what the Shulchan Aruch paskens.

    when he Dies he is a Dead Person, Not a Nifter or Z”L

  7. simon01 is right on the money. Yeshiva World News, where is your sensitivity to Shomrei Torah U’mitzvos? What is wrong with died & Alav Hashalom? Since when are titles, historically reserved for Erliche Yiden, used on “Aino Oseh Maaseh Amcha”. Over the years I’ve seen a steady shift to the left in your Hashkafah. Aren’t you a voice for Bknei Torah?

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