Ashdod: Chareidi Family Attacked

Yitzchak Meir Kozolovsky is a chareidi resident of Ashdod. On Friday night after seudas Shabbos, he and his wife and other family members left a relative’s home in the Rova Chet neighborhood and headed home. As they were walking they were attacked by a group of thugs who they described as “Russian”. He explained the group was hanging out in a local park and when they were spotted, the verbal and physical assault began.

Chadrei Chareidim quotes Yitzchak as saying neighbors’ summoned police but when they arrived, they did not stop to assist him but continued on their way.

The attackers shouted vulgarities at them but Yitzchak opted to ignored the verbal assault, which was followed a physical attack. His wife began running he explained, simply because she was frightened. He stood his ground to permit his wife and others to distance themselves from the danger.

The thugs used sticks and their fists to assault him. Yitzchak explains he screamed for assistance but no one came. He did see a patrol car pass but it continued on its way, opting not to stop. Yitzchak seemed certain the patrolmen saw what was taking place and chose to ignore it.

At the time of publication, Ashdod police have yet to release a statement in response to the allegations made by Yitzchak.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Because of abortions in Eretz Yisrael; which caused it to be under populated the Israeli government brought Russian goyim
    to populate the medina. These russians are anti-semities; not all but many. They are thugs and are involved in a lot of thief. They created a lot of problems in Petah Tiqvah also

  2. They have also turned netanya into a mafia gangland, where you can’t leave any thing in your car overnight because iy will not be there in the morning.
    Meretz intentionally brought the goyim in to balance the charedi ‘problem’ looks like they got what they deserve.

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