How to Gain a Treasure Chest of Riches: Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah’s Unique Organization

Have you ever wanted to mark the yahrzeit of a loved one in a special and meaningful way? Have you ever wished you could make a siyum on behalf of a neshamah that has passed on? Maybe you need a personal zechus, that extra merit that would bring you the yeshuah you so desperately need, whether it is a shidduch, the blessing of children, a steady parnassah or a refuah shleimah. If there is ever a guaranteed way to gain an extra boost of s’char, for yourself or for the neshamah of a loved one, is it through the merit of Torah study.

Chazal teach us that the benefits of Torah study are immeasurable and the rewards they can reap are too numerous to count. In fact, Torah study is considered one of the things for which we receive reward in both this world and the next; it is also referred to as “equal to all the other mitzvos in the Torah.” With a force like this, is it any surprise that learning Torah can skyrocket the merits of you and your loved ones?

However, not everyone has the time or ability to learn as much as Torah as they want, and this is where Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah is ready to help. Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah understands that it might be hard for you to make a siyum on time for the yahrzeit of your loved one or that you would love some extra help learning for the zechus of zera kayama. They know what it’s like to feel at your wit’s end for a yeshuah and they would love nothing more than the opportunity to support and assist you.

Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah’s organization is unique in that they strongly desire to bring the benefits of Torah study to every individual, regardless of status, gender or abilities. They take the seemingly distant, hard-to-reach merits of advanced Torah learning and make it available and easily accessible to the general public. Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah’s outstanding team of extraordinary yungeleit are prepared to learn on behalf of any individual, for any cause.

This exceptional and ehrliche team can be commissioned to learn anything from the entire Shas Gemara to a simple perek of Mishnayos and everything in between. They can work quickly, if that’s what you need, helping you to complete a seder on time for a siyum or yahrzeit, or learn over the course of a full year or longer in your zechus. The completely customizable programs offered by Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah recognize that every individual is unique and has a set of circumstances that is like no one else. To this end, Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah encourages one-on-one consultations that set the stage for a personalized learning program, tailor-made to your needs, goals and desires.

As much as Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah aspires to hold your hand and be there for you in your time of need, they also eagerly look to stand by your side in times of joy. As you reach a momentous milestone, happy occasion or long-awaited-for yeshuah, what better way to thank Hashem than to show Him how much you value His holy Torah? The yungeleit of Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah are thrilled to learn of your simchos and will readily create a learning program that reflects your joy and appreciation towards the Ribbono Shel Olam.


Now, as we head towards the yom tov of Shavuos, Matan Toraseinu, Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah wants to make your own personal kabbolas haTorah even more accessible than they have already made it. Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah has just announced their first annual raffle and the prizes truly up the ante from any raffle you have ever seen before.

Unlike a typical Chinese auction, Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah is not offering physical prizes that can be easily purchased in a store. In line with their ultimate mission and raison d’etre, Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah’s prizes are all different amounts of Torah study, learned by their team of yungeleit, that can be completed on behalf of whomever the winner chooses. The grand prize in this phenomenal raffle is completion of the entire Shas Gemara in the zechus of the winner – either as a personal merit or for the neshamah of his or her loved one. The amount that patrons will sponsor for this stupendous honor is a grand $18,000.

First prize is the completion of Shishah Sidrei Mishnah, for which patrons will pay $1,300, and second prize is the study of a blatt Gemara a day for 40 consecutive days, normally commissioned for $360. For these prizes as well, winners have the merit of directing the focus of the zechus.

The drawing for this raffle will be held erev Shavuos, so that just as the Jewish nation is ushering in the heilege Torah, the winners of the Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah raffle can eagerly look forward towards their own personal receiving of the Torah.

If you haven’t yet joined the raffle or looked into Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah, what are you waiting for? The mighty benefits of Torah study are at your fingertips and are just waiting for you to reach out and grasp them. Now, nothing stands between you and the many pleasures of this world… and the Next.

To find out more about Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah or to purchase raffle tickets, please visit or call Mrs. Simmy Horwitz at 732.606.5050

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