Former Senator Carl Kruger Gets 7 Years in Bribery Scheme

Former New York state Sen. Carl Kruger has been sentenced to seven years in prison in an influence peddling case.

Kruger had admitted in December that he accepted nearly a half-million dollars in bribes from a variety of business people.

“I am broken, I am destroyed, I am disgraced,” Kruger said in court Thursday.

Kruger, 62, pleaded guilty to two counts of conspiracy to commit honest services fraud and two counts of conspiracy to commit bribery.

He resigned from the state Senate seat he has held since 1994.

Kruger, a Democrat, was the powerful Senate Finance Committee chairman from 2008 to 2010, when Democrats controlled the Senate.

(Source: NBC New York)

6 Responses

  1. I wonder how all those askanim and rabbonim who pushed their way into photo ops with this dreche politician feel today. We are too often putting our midos and common sense on the sidelines to cozy up to crooked politicians who will spread money to our mosdos.

  2. As a person who spent years in albany, I can tell you that he is nothing worse then any of the other influential people in stat goverment, and as an asken (whom you never see on pictures) I can tell you thar Kruger was ready and willing to help any indvidual (or Mosdos) in NYS.

  3. And nebach look at four of the other co-conspirators in the case . . . Yiddishe names like Aaron and Solomon etc. Vay lan d’chatinan!! :*(

  4. Remember that the Torah does not forbid paying bribes; only taking them. Anyone with common sense can understand why. Everybody has the choice whether to accept bribes or not; usually the one paying bribes has no choice in the matter.

  5. Notice that none of the coverage of Kruger’s sentencing seems to mention what party he belongs to. If he’d been a Republican that would have been mentioned in the first paragraph.

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