Bronx Teen Beaten By Two Police Officers Filing Federal Civil-Rights Suit Against NYPD

A Bronx teen beaten by two police officers just steps from the 46th Precinct stationhouse after asking one of the cops for his badge number, has filed a federal lawsuit against the NYPD claiming his civil rights were violated.

Tyre Davis’ claim is bolstered by a surveillance video that captured the Feb. 17, 2011 beat down and the subsequent assault charges filed against officers Joseph Murphy, 26, and Jose Ocasio, 28.

The officers beat the teen “with a level of viciousness and bodily disregard that most people would not use against a dog,” his lawyer Steven Goldman says in the suit, filed in Manhattan Federal Court.

Davis was waiting inside the Ryer Ave. stationhouse for a desk appearance ticket when he confronted Murphy who had allegedly slapped him in the face during an earlier trespass arrest two weeks earlier.

“I remember you, you’re the kids I smacked,” Murphy allegedly said, according to the lawsuit filed in Manhattan Federal Court today.

When Davis asked the officer for his badge number, Murphy allegedly grabbed his badge and used it to smack the teen in the face, the lawsuit charges. Davis was then thrown out of the precinct – along with his property and ticket.

As he walked away, Murphy and Ocasio accosted him several yards away from the stationhouse and punched him to the ground, according to the lawsuit, which seeks unspecified damages.

“The officers then took turns kicking Mr. Davis in the face, head and upper body,” Goldman said.

The officers, who were unaware the attack was being captured by a building surveillance tape, were arrested and charged with assault five months later.

(Source: NY Post)

5 Responses

  1. #1, what difference does it make whether or not there were witnesses around? Isn’t it illegal for police to beat up people? PERIOD!!!

  2. akuperma says:
    Isn’t it illegal for police to beat up people when there are witnesses around?

    Yes, that’s why the article mentions that they didn’t realize that there was a surveillance camera. That is precisely why they are now in trouble.

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