Israeli Independence Day: The Israeli Flag At Ponavez

The Israeli flag flown at the Ponavez Yeshiva in Bnei Brak every year on Yom Ha’atzmut.

(Reposted from YWN archives 201120102009, 2008, 2007, & 2006)

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

23 Responses

  1. Any institution that gets money from the goverment is obligated by law to fly a flag on Yom Hatzmaut. Every Yeshiva and cheder as well as Beit Yackov do the same, year in and year out!

  2. we .. yes we

    all normal people who are makir tov to a medina that allows limud ha torah to flurish in a way never before imagined

    all normal people who are makir to to the medina for providing a haven for shearis hapleita when no other country in the world would take in survivors


    normal people

  3. #2 What vision? The Ponevezher Rov had a certain shitah; very few others share it. What makes you think he was right and all the gedolei hatorah were wrong?

  4. 1: 2: Chas Veshulem.
    Boro Park the biggest Chareidi neighborhood in Chutz Loretz,
    BMG the biggest yeshiva in Chutz Loretz,
    Mir Yerusholayim the largest yeshiva in the world,
    yom haatzumos doesn’t exist.

    Even in Ponovez, Rav Schach and Rav Chatzkel Levenstein zk”l didn’t concur with this flag waving.

  5. mamanafshach

    if you are against the Medina, how can you fly it on Yom Haaztmaus
    If your for the Medina, it should be flown every day

    this is a steira menay u bay

  6. To all those nay sayers about not flying or flying the flag is the same reason we as Americans are proud of our service men & women as well as our flag. So yes those yeshivahs should fly the flag as respect to those who gave their lives past, present and future fighting for our right to have a home land all Jews can goto regardless of their religious affliation.

    Happy Birthday Eretz Yisroel and thank you to those in the IDF & IAF who give of themselves no questions asked for all Jews world over to have a home we can call our own.

  7. I suspect many of the comments on this forum that have to do with Eretz Yisroel, Yom Haatzmuet, and the Israeli flag reflect a deep conflict- especially with those living in the Diaspora.

    Let’s face it- Boro Park, Lakewood and Monsey are not Yerushalayim, T’zvat and Chevron.

    Deal with it.

    But respect others who defend the country of Israel, live and work there, and allow you to enjoy 5 star hotel facilities on your visits.

    You want them to respect your lifestyle, then respect them as well.

    Respect is a two way street. Not a ” self-righteous ” one.

  8. Please show me a real image-not the exact same one you have shown every year-where? who? who saw the flag this year?

  9. The one outstanding trait of Jews since Moshe is disagreement. The talmud is noted for never coming to a conclusion on a psak. It is no different with Yom Atzmaot.
    Some are proud to display flags others make a statement by leaving the flagpole empty in true Jewish tradition. the old joke “two Jews, two Shules”. Never one. In nature there is strength in diversity.

  10. How come u can go to The Kosel??? kever Rochel???? M’oras Hamachpalah?????? HUMMMMMM. And u wont stand still for 2 min for kovod for other living people who bear heavy hearts over dead sons. This is something u must do even in a goyeshe country.Not to have respect for Availim??????????????????????? Frume with Timtum Halaiv.ZERO Hakaras hatov even to a goy u need it

  11. #8 Rav Schach and R Levinsten were not m’yased Ponevish.R’ Kahaneman ZTL was the Novie who saw the future.And his Daya comes FIRST NO 1,b/c he brought them in not the opposite.HE DID HAVE HAKORAS HATOV.End of sicha !!!!!!!

  12. #17 and #18, #16 is right; the Talmud doesn’t pasken, it just records opinions. After the so-called “chasimas hatalmud” the editing process went on for several more centuries; all the psokim that we find in our Talmud are later additions, from the Rabbonon Sevoro’i and the Geonim.

  13. In any event, the Ponevesher Rov was entitled to his shita, and in his yeshivah it should be followed. But nearly all the gedolei hador had a different shita, and in their yeshivos that is what is followed. It’s really as simple as that. Just as nobody has the right to demand that Ponevezh stop flying the flag, nobody has the right to demand that other yeshivos start.

  14. It looks like a very shvrer suga.Hakoras hatov is the most important mida of a yid on one hand but on the other hand the midna has its issues .Gedolim had differences in them self,s who am I to pasken .All I can say is that every yid has one main goal ,which is to do the rotzin of hashem.Let it be the rotzin from shoymim and together with our teflios that we should all unite in doing the rotzin hashem together and not have these questions

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