Israel: Public Transportation Moves to Holiday Schedule Wednesday Night

Independence Day begins on Wednesday night, the eve of 4 Iyar 5772 at 20:00. At that time the single national holiday that is observed that is not a yomtov or chol hamoed gets underway. Public transportation moves to limited schedule and travelers are urged to check with bus and train stations and information offices before setting out.

For most, it is representative of Israel’s version of the fourth of July. For some, such a rabbonim and talmidim of Merkaz HaRav and others who follow this hashkafa, it is truly a yomtov and talmidim will wear Shabbos clothing and special davening with be held and a yomtov seuda. For others, it is a regular day and while for others, it is a day or mourning and protest.

Stores, government offices and just about all services are shut down. There are no newspapers and hospitals operate on Shabbos schedules. HMOs are closed, some handling emergencies, and the unofficial start of barbeque season is underway.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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