PHOTOS: Earnest Preparations For Seder Night At Bayit Lepleitot


The Seder night is the night of transmitting from the father to his children. It is a night for which all children dream… stealing the afikoman and receiving gifts, and being showered with love and attention.

The orphans of Bayit Lepleitot do not have a father and mother–but this venerable organization sees to it that they nevertheless experience the joy of Yom Yov to the fullest extent possible.

Under the leadership, and through the tireless effort of the venerated askan Rabbi Moshe Yona Rosenfeld and his son Rabbi Chaim Elazar Rosenfeld, the children of Bayit Lepleitot too will experience a night of freedom, a night of exodus and joy… moments of freedom from pain, and a joyous Yom Tov Pesach.

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