Regents Board May Offer Alternate HS Grad Requirements To Five Classic Exams

It is a right of passage. To graduate from high school in New York State, students need to pass five specific exams. But that might change.

On Monday, the state Board of Regents decided to move forward with a plan to offer three of what it calls “pathways” to graduation.

“We have been criticized for this ‘one size fits all,'” said Regents Chancellor Merryl Tisch.

Students would be able to choose whether to pass the traditional five exams — in English, math, science, U.S. history and global history — or to focus more on either science and math or career and technical skills. Students who choose the two new options would not have to pass the global history exam.

Of the five required exams, global history has been the toughest, with just 56 percent of city students passing it last year.

For years, the Regents have been saying they want to raise the bar for a high school diploma. But some are worried that by proposing the most difficult exam become optional, they are watering down the requirements.

The Regents denied that is their intention.

“This is not in any sense about creating a simpler pathway, it’s the question of an alternate approach. And this is the old argument, that maybe one size doesn’t fit all. Maybe we out to create a bit more flexibility,” said James Tallon of the Board of Regents.

The chancellor said the reason students struggle with the global exam is that it is a two-year course with one comprehensive test.


6 Responses

  1. “Maybe we out to create a bit more flexibility”….. Maybe this ought to read…..”Maybe we ought to create a bit more flexibility”

  2. Here is an option. Go to school out of state pass HS and than come back to NY for college. Not kidding. If you live out of state and go to HS out of state there are no regent requirements for those students to attend college in NY. So with that said abolish regents and just give the GED which is just as good and accepted. Also when has a job asked for a regents diploma? I went to HS in NY never passed regents got a GED and now work in a major NY hosp all with only a GED.

  3. “Here is an option. Go to school out of state pass HS and than come back to NY for college.”

    Or, better still, just skip HS. Many collges will admit you anyway. When you get 24 college credits, NYS will award you an equivalency diploma, if you ask nicely.

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