Israel: Students Cheer ‘Nazis’ in Israeli Play on Eve of Holocaust Day

High school students from non religious public school in Israel attended a Holocaust Remembrance Day performance at Tel Aviv’s Cameri Theater. While watching “Ghetto”, they cheered the actors dressed as Nazis, shouting “get them, get them” in reference to beating the Jews, identifying with the Nazis.

The performance was held on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day last week. Israel Radio reports state shouts of “Smash them over the head” were included among the calls of support of the uniformed kapos and other beating the Jewish inmates.

According to the actors in the play, the shouts did not come from one or two people but they were representative of the group.

The radio interview today, Monday, 1 Iyar 5772 states that when a Nazi officer shot a Jew in the head, the students burst out in laughter, with actors adding the group was extremely rowdy and acting inappropriately.

When the performance ended actors had harsh words for the youths, telling them they are “an embarrassment to the Jewish people”.

MK (Ichud HaLeumi) Prof. Aryeh Eldad responded to the alarming report aired today, calling upon Ministry of Education officials to find the funding to send those who disturbed the performance to the death camps in Poland.

“It appears there may be young and old who need a higher dose of education and a higher dose of illustration so that they internalize it and pass the message to those around them” Eldad added.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. If the actors dresses as “Jews” resembled hareidim (many wearing modest clothes, head coverings, etc.), while the actors dressed as “Nazis” resembled modern day soldiers (uniforms, helmets, etc.), it is logical that hiloni Israelis would identify with the Nazis rather than the Jews. Why should that surprise anyone?

  2. The various Zionist commemorations of the holocaust were always about two things: It’s role in the creation of the state, and the appearance of the Jewish ghetto fighter and partisan. The actual victims were portrayed in a more negative light since ‘they went as sheep to the slaughter’ and represented the ‘old jew,’ and hence the media’s characterization of the Haredim as parasites and sloths. So what else is to be expected from all this brainwashing?

  3. I wouldn’t be suprised if they were russian goyim

    And this is what the chilonim get for trying to secularize Eretz Yisrael

  4. Take religion out of the secular education of Jews in Israel and you are left with nothing to model, admire, strive for or to inspire. Is there any Holocaust education taught in the secular schools? Nowadays, the word “NAZI” has lost its value and evilness since it is used by all groups to define ‘Military extremisim”.
    The youth are then akin to youth thruout the world; materialistic, self-serving, non patriotic and outright defient.
    Sad, sorrowful, selfish…….youngsters.

  5. It doesn’t matter who they were, it does matter what they did and b”h the reaction of others, or unfortunately the inaction of others. These people should have been removed from the audience by the security guards and been considered “hecklers” or “disturbing” the performance.

  6. Have you ever thought that the actors were probably not religious either and they still said “you are a shame to the jewish people”? With all of their “secular” “brainwashed” education (which was closer to the inception of the state which means it would be more hostile towards religion) they still didn’t have the same view as the young audience. If you think this is representative of all “chiloni youth”, you are ignorant and don’t know what’s going on with the world. As I heard in the name of Rav Machlis Shlit”a, these days are in the Omer to test us with “kavod ze l’ze” that R Akivas students lacked, its not a coincedence.

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