After 70 Years, Rav Wosner Shlita Visits Tziyun Shimon HaTzaddik

HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Halevy Wosner Shlita visited the Tziyun of Shimon HaTzaddik in Yerushalayim for the first time in 70 years. The tziyun is located in the eastern capital, in the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood, which is often referred to by the secular media as “Sheikh Jarah”.

The gadol hador arrived on Wednesday, 26 Nissan 5772, visibly emotional as he entered the site together with gabbaim. As they left the rav told a grandson “for 70 years I did not merit davening at the tziyun of the Cohen HaGadol and Rosh Sanhedrim Shimon HaTzaddik”.

The rav is spending a number of days in Yerushalayim’s Gush 80 neighborhood to rest. He will return to Bnei Brak I”YH on Sunday.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. following comment #1–

    what is this about the “eastern capital?” It’s Yerushalayim pure and simple.

    At worst, you write the “eastern part of the capital”

  2. #1, what are you talking about? What is Christian about the name “Sheikh Jarah”? It’s the secular media that use this name; including the Jewish secular media!

    And no, the calendar is not at all Xian; it was not invented by Xians; it’s used by almost the entire world, most of which is not Xian; and above all it’s not used by quite a lot of actual Xians. So how is it a Xian calendar? “Gregorian” is an accurate description, since it was last adjusted by Gregory. “Secular” is an accurate description too, since it’s used by the entire world’s population for all secular purposes.

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