Vienna: City Strips Street Section of Anti-Semitic Mayor’s Name

The city of Vienna is renaming a section of its posh Ring avenue now bearing the name of a late mayor known for his anti-Semitic views.

City officials say Dr. Karl-Lueger-Ring is to be renamed Universiaetsring for the city’s university that is on that section of the avenue ringing the inner city.

Lueger was mayor for 13 years, starting in 1897 and openly espoused anti-Semitic sentiments. Adolf Hitler, who lived in Vienna for part of Lueger’s tenure, saw him as an inspiration for his hatred of Jews.

At the same time, Lueger had Jewish friends and once declared, “I decide who is a Jew.”

Justifying the planned name change on Thursday, Vienna counselor for culture Andreas Mailath-Pokorny said Vienna “should not act as if there were no dark spots” in its history.

(Source: ABC)

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