Felder Will Run for Senate As a Democrat; Nachman Caller As a Republican

New York City Deputy Comptroller Simcha Felder announced this evening that he will be running for the so-called Super-Jewish Senate district that was created earlier this year by the New York State Senate Republicans. However in a twist, Mr. Felder said that he would be running as a Democrat. This is significant, because for months Felder was rumored to be considering a run for Senate on the Republican line.

Multiple political sources have proclaimed Felder as the instant front-runner in the race. However, a source close to Republican Attorney Nachman Caller emailed YWN to inform us that Mr. Caller will likely run for this seat as a Republican.

This may pose a dilemma for the Jewish establishment who traditionally have supported Felder but want to keep Republican Majority Leader Dean Skelos happy. According to our sources, those leaders promised Skelos that the Super-Jewish seat would be Republican. If they go back on their word and support Felder as a Democrat they will likely anger Skelos – their strongest ally in New York State government. The Republicans are, of course, desperate to pick-up this Super-Jewish Senate seat because of their slim 32-29 majority in the New York State Senate.

Felder served as the New York City Councilman for Boro Park from 2002-2010 before he resigned to accept a position in Comptroller John Liu’s office.

Keep your browser pointed at YWN for all the latest news on this exciting race!

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

18 Responses

  1. Simcha has my vote without question. He’s a decent honest frum person who cares about others, a rarity in politics. I just don’t understand why he wants to spend time in Albany!

  2. Why would a Jew with a yarmulke join a party that considers support of abortion and gay rights to be a “litmus” test? Better to be a socially conservative “big government” (Rockefeller) Republican.

  3. Simcha is a democrat so why run as a republican? His name isn’t Bloomberg.

    The article was somewhat misleading until about half way thru because when most people see “senate” they presume it means US Senate, not state senate.

  4. I like Simcha Felder but it makes no sense for him to run as a Democrat. The frum community sent a message with Bob Turner and David Storobin. We SUPPORT Republicans. I want to continue to send that message. Sorry Simcha, I will vote for the Republican.

  5. This is not poshut. Simcha was a good Councilman. But the reason he accomplished was because he was in the party of power in the Council – Democrats. However, the Republicans are now in power in the Senate. Do we really want to elect someone on the Democrat side who will have no power?

  6. Yo’re all crazy. It doesnt matter a persons party. It matters who the best person is. Simcha is great AND very funny too! WE ALL NEED SIMCHA!

  7. With all respect to Simcha, Harav Nachman Caller is a talmid chochum and a major baal tzedekah in Boro Park. Isn’t it time we give someone else a chance? That’s why we had term limits (which Simcha voted to overturn)!

  8. With Felder, the Republicans will most certainly not put up Storobin. I’d suggest at least a beard (like Caller) or even a beard and peyos WITH AN UP HAT!! Storobin is leading Fidler by about one to one hundered vote in a district that hadn’t been Super Jewisized. He cannot win against Felder. I imagine Storobin has part of his district outside of the Super J where he can run, a hopefully more successful campaign.

    As for this race, it’s going to be fun. If both are upstanding Frum individuals according to all, I hope the contest will be a philosophical and policy contest only and a Kiddush Hashem.

    If not, I do think both will have to face the voters and be up front if they hold by any Brooklyn eruv and hold by the Vaad of Flatbush [insert another if you wish, I’m not from Brooklyn]. And not to mention where on 13th ave. their wife prefers to shop. And lastly, are they makpid on Magen Avraham zman for krias shema. Let them face we, the Super Jews of the Super Jewish district, and tell us if they have a dairy meal on Shavous or eat Gebrokts. These are the issues, rabbosi. Our shidduch system works so flawlessly, let’s just make it our political system too for our Super Jewish district.

    In addition, I think we need to drop these titles of Republican and Democrat and get new ones.

    My ideas-
    The B’achdus Yeshivish Party of Galus
    The Haimish Party of New York
    One more break off Chassidish party
    Shas (can’t forget the Sefardim)
    The Mr. and Mrs. Barry and Julie Gibowitz* Hebrew Day School Party of NY (can’t forget the YU and more modern crowd)
    and finally a party for Gentiles, not sure the name, maybe they should decide. We as Super Jews should be hospitable.

    *The couple’s name is completely fictitious

  9. Who is this “Jewish establishment” that allegedly supports Felder and wants to keep Skelos happy? Which Rabbanim are they? Is there a non-Torah “establishment” operating in the frum community that can influence how people vote?

    Even if the district elects a socially conservative Democrat, it will create and unstable situation since he’ll have the option of switching and won’t be a reliable vote for the Democrats.

  10. Why are canditates who took away our right to vote always running in my district? First Lew Fidler & now Simcha Felder who both voted to Extend Term Limits when the vote came up in the New York City Council about four years ago when the voters not once but twice defeated it. Infact after Bloomberg asked the City Council to bring the extension of term limits to a vote it was Simcha Felder who sponsored the bill. When Felder sponsored this bill it was a big Chillul Hashem since the majority of New Yorkers did not want the term limits to be extended. I really hope that Yoni Hikind runs so we can have someone to vote for.

  11. A win foe either Caller or Felder is a win for the minyonim in Albany where I’m sure another man is always welcome. I assume either would be a regular at minyonim up there.

  12. Felder is famous for his election ad that featured a huge flock of dollar bills raining down from heaven, implying that he would bring gelt to all of us–“A chicken in every pot.”–truly inspiring!

    I know nachman Caller. He is a real Talmid Chochom, who stands for something–public decency, family values, and true service to our community.

    If the public will focus on the true issues and the true mentsch, there will be no contest. Nacman Caller will win in a landslide.

  13. Let’s hope Hikind actually shows some loyalty this time and gets behind Felder in this race. Anyone know if Hikind has an opponent this year? 30 years is enough!! No one promised Hikind a lifetime job even though he seems to think he’s entitled to one. What the community needs is to run someone against him and get rid of him once and for all.

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