EJC President Warns of ‘Tsunami of Hate’ Against European Jewry if Escalation in the Middle East

European Jewish Congress President, Dr. Moshe Kantor, warned European leaders to act now to prevent a “tsunami of hate” if there is an escalation in the Middle East.

Kantor was speaking at the Anti-Semitism Press Conference, held by The Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry and the Moshe Kantor program for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism at Tel Aviv University, in cooperation with the European Jewish Congress (EJC). The Kantor Center releases annual survey of global anti-Semitic incidents. This year’s results show a slight decrease in overall incidents, but a rise in violent attacks on Jews.

“The Middle East conflict has been imported into Europe and serves as an excuse for anti-Semitic attacks against the Jewish citizens of Europe,” Kantor said. “This is absolutely unacceptable and should be removed at all levels, from the enforcement authorities to government officials. There should be zero tolerance for the idea that it is natural that what happens in the Middle East will affect the Jews of Europe or elsewhere.”

“This issue needs to be dealt with immediately or there could be a “tsunami of hate” if there is an escalation in the Middle East or an attack on the illegal Iranian nuclear weapons program. The barbaric murders in Toulouse should serve as a “wake-up call” for action. We know the problems and the solution, now we require the implementation.”
Kantor outlined some of the steps that he will present to European leaders and officials, which the EJC will meet during the year, as part of a pan-European program to implement measures to prevent future anti-Semitic attacks.

“Concentrated attention should be given to legislative efforts that will define and protect our community from violent crimes and will ban any form of incitement, which we all know is flourishing in the mosques of Europe,” Kantor said. “Security measures should be implemented and enforced to protect Jewish communities across Europe. Creating public awareness of this threat, as well as a concerted education program can also become a useful preventive tool. Intelligence sharing and intelligence cooperation, between the various enforcement authorities across Europe is vital for prevention.”

The EJC President praised the French Government in their handling of the events in Toulouse and held this up as an example for others in Europe.

Kantor also related to the controversial poem by German writer Gunter Grass.

“Incitement can be a major contributor to the deterioration of the situation. It is a slippery slope when someone like Gunter Grass expresses such twisted and delusional ideas,” Kantor said. “Grass is laying the seeds for blaming the Jews for many of the ills of the world and from here the road to anti-Semitic expressions and action is short. While freedom of speech is vital, people like Grass must realize that their comments are not made in a vacuum and were made on the back of findings by the German Bundestag, in a recently released report, that 20% of Germans hold anti-Semitic views.”

“These types of comments contribute to the hate against the Jews of Europe by singling out the Jewish State, therefore giving people an excuse to carry out anti-Semitic violence.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Okay, I’m going to chime in here. Why is there a picture of Muslim women wearing Burqas with this article? Is it for shock value? Just because they cover themselves doesn’t mean they are extremist or anti-semitic – just religious.

  2. Good. If the International Jews do not realize that the Christians have 1 “Ani Maamin” instead of 13 it is that EVERY single Jew personnally murdered 2000 years ago the son of G-d. And that holds true for the Chrisitans in America the so-called country of hesed also. And if you do not believe me just ask yourself why Christmas is a national holiday and Yom Kippor is a private personnal day.

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