Photo Essay: Yidden In Yerushalayim By Mayim Shelanu (Photos by JDN)

4 Responses

  1. Is there any inspection of the spring or well water used to bake matzohs to assure that it meets sanitary standards?

  2. Good point Aryelah….I guess you would be celebrating if you and your chevrah contracted some intestinal bug from contaminated water in the shmurah matzos. Also, nice turn of phrase…very original variation of the shita we learn from the Hagaddah about what to say to the wicked son…(aka “you should blunt his teeth by saying to him: “It is for the sake of this that the Ebeshter did for ME when I left mitzrayim. For ME and not for HIM” However, in this case, its reversed because of your sinas chinam, If YOU were there YOU would not have part of the geulah”. Concern for klal yisroel is not limited to those of your persuasion. Please take your hatred of everything and everyone and find your own version of geulah.

  3. To #1 Gadol: is there inspection of the regular Israeli water supply? According to some experts, the PA is befouling the water table by allowing untreated sewage to seep into the drinking water. But, who cares about that? Anyway, the infallible medina can do no wrong. Who cares about what the PA does? But, hey, a bunch o’ Chareidi fanatics who want to draw spring water from which there are no known problems? So, let’s create some problems! And dissent! And even more disdain for Chareidim!!
    Any of you Chareidi-bashers ever stop to think how your rhetoric would sound to say, some neo-Nazi anti-Semite? You are all indirectly fueling antisemitism in the world! After all, if this is how Jews posting to a Jewish website speak about observant Jews — well, that’s a green light for anti-Semites throughout the world. A little self-restraint and common sense would be a really good idea. I hope the editors at YWN would also consider this.

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