VIDEOS/PHOTOS: Mir Yerushalayim BiCentennial Celebration


Klal Yisroel Strong…

On Sunday March 26, several thousand people traveled to Bell Works in New Jersey to mark 200 years since the founding of Yeshivas Mir.

They came from all over the Western Hemisphere and they came in unison. They traveled from as far Mexico City and Los Angeles as well as from right around the corner in New York and New Jersey.

They came to celebrate and they came to congregate. They were there to reminisce and to reaffirm. They came liros as well as layroaos.

They arrived exuberant and left elated. What was it about the Bicentennial Celebration of Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim that stirred the emotions and raised expectations?

Was it the opportunity to see all our rebbeim in one room as we had done during our days in Yeshiva? Was it the experience of walking in the footsteps of the great Rav Shmuel Tikutinsky who established Yeshivas Mir 200 years ago and carried its financial burdens with much sacrifice?

Was it the electric feeling in the room as young and old gathered as one just as they had done in the hallowed hall of the Bais Medrash in Bais Yisroel? Was it the sight of all New York area Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva together that inspired the multitudes or was it the Sefer Torah of the alumni that drew carried the crowd to euphoria?

Was it the sacrifice and generosity of the Mir friends and supporters that gave poise to the moment or the incredible magnanimity and vision of Yeshivas Mir talmid Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz that astounded the participants and propelled them into a future of continued camaraderie and support of the yeshiva?

Watch the video and decide…

Hosts​ ​video with Mr. Rubin Schron, Mr. Yossi Stern, Mr. Daniel Wolfson and Mr. Shimon Glick​

Adrian Garbacz & Mr. Ralph Herzka

Rav Yosef Elefant

Hagaon HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky Shlit”a

Hagaon HaRav Binyomin Carlebach Shlit”a

Hagaon HaRav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel Shlit”a

R’ Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz

2 Responses

  1. Every Orthodox Jew should have been at this event.
    the mir yeshiva is not like any other yeshiva in the world.
    Mir yeshiva was saved from Holocaust by an open miracle.
    While most of the European yeshivas was destroyed
    Mir yeshiva was transported from Lithuania through Russia and Japan and on to china and eventually to Jerusalem and Brooklyn.
    I don’t know what their special merit was.
    But I know it must of been very big.
    Mir yeshiva is the yavenah ve talmedov of our generation.
    Mir yeshiva was God promise to the Jews that Torah would never be forgotten.

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