Rep. Peter King: No GOP Thrill For Mitt Romney

House Homeland Security Chairman Peter King said Tuesday that his constituents aren’t excited about presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney, and that the former Massachusetts governor wasn’t rallying working class Republicans in his Long Island district.

“In New York’s Third [Congressional District], how excited are they about Willard Mitt Romney?” asked Joe Scarborough on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“So far, they are not. I can tell you that,” responded King. “There’s a lot of dissatisfaction with President Obama, and people are still waiting on Governor Romney.”

The Republican lawmaker said that Romney hasn’t been able to generate the sort of enthusiasm that prior presidential candidates have.

“There is not that excitement level, was not what you see with Bill Clinton, or George Bush, for that matter, who are able to identify with people. So far Governor Romney has not been able to show that,” said the New York Republican.

That said, King continued, Romney had some redeeming qualities that could make up for the lack of voter zeal.

“The guy is extremely honest, extremely capable… people would vote for Romney if they think he’s competent,” he said.

“Morning Joe” panelist Lawrence O’Donnell quipped that none of that would matter.

“Congressman King knows that there is no amount of Republican, Long Island enthusiasm that can possibly win the state of New York for Mitt Romney,” O’Donnell said.

(Source: Politico)

4 Responses

  1. I agreee. He’s an empty suit, who got elected by slandering his opponents and outspending them 10 to one.
    Most of the voters voted against him. He stands for nothing.

  2. Unthrilled enought to support Obama?

    To win in states like New York (plus 49 other), Romney needs the base to show up, the rest to get thrilled. Thrilling a base is great if you truely want to emulate McGovern or Goldwater.

  3. This is good news for Obama, and King does him a favor by publicizing the Romney weakness among large segments of the electorate. I think Obama will be reelected by a comfortable margin simply by playing back the attack ads that Santorum and Gingrich have been running against Romney for the past 3 months and video clips from the debates where they said that Romney is the “worst possible candidate” the Republicans can run. The Republican circular firing squad over this primary season will give Obama 4 more years and maybe result in Republicans rethinking their whole approach to picking a candidate (e.g. winner take all primaries don’t work).

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