Photos of Beer-Slugging Secretary of State Clinton Cause Stir

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cut loose during her trip to the Summit of the Americas in Colombia, over the weekend, partying at a local club early Sunday morning.

According to the New York Post, Clinton arrived at Cartagena’s Cafe Havana with a dozen female aides just after midnight. In photos, the former first lady is seen dancing and throwing back a bottle of beer.

“Clinton quickly proved she’s just a regular gal when it comes to drinking,” the Post reported. “She eschewed a glass and sucked down her Aguila pilsner cerveza straight from the bottle.”

This is not the first time Hillary’s boozy diplomacy has been fodder for the press. In 2006, the New York Times relayed a 2004 anecdote about a vodka-drinking contest between Clinton and Sen. John McCain.

TMZ dubbed her the ” Secretary of PARTYING.” Sadly, Clinton’s impromptu soiree lasted just a half an hour.

The photo landed on the Post’s front page. The headline: “SWILLARY.”

London’s Telegraph latched onto the photos, too. ” Is Hillary Clinton becoming an embarrassment as Secretary of State?” the paper’s Niles Gardner asked in a blog post.

(Source: ABC News)

9 Responses

  1. listen if you had a hubby like Bill-baby, you would probably be a real drunk. as W C Fields said, never trust anyone who doesn’t drink. However with her, even though she drinks we don’t trust her!

  2. I’m an certainly no fan of Mrs. Clinton. Far from it. However this drivel is not newsworthy. Wow, she drank a beer! And from the bottle! Oh please. Next time give us news that counts, please.

  3. So what? Aren’t such people allowed to have fun? Can’t they have a life? Do you expect them to work until they drop dead from stress and exhaustion?

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