I find this article with the photos offensive. Why should a Gadol, Tzaddik Hador who is observing his mother’s yahrtzeit be subjected to the fanfare, circus mentality of the oilem following him and snapping pictures? He needs gabboim to accompany him, as he is aged, and somewhat frail. No problem. But why should the crowd interfere with his personal private experience of visiting his mother’s kever?
This occurs frequently in the frum community, and makes the issur of לא תעשה לך פסל וכל תמונה more relevant.
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I find this article with the photos offensive. Why should a Gadol, Tzaddik Hador who is observing his mother’s yahrtzeit be subjected to the fanfare, circus mentality of the oilem following him and snapping pictures? He needs gabboim to accompany him, as he is aged, and somewhat frail. No problem. But why should the crowd interfere with his personal private experience of visiting his mother’s kever?
This occurs frequently in the frum community, and makes the issur of לא תעשה לך פסל וכל תמונה more relevant.