NJ Governor Christie’s Israel Trip Cost Taxpayers Nearly $40,000

Gov. Chris Christie’s trip to the Middle East this month cost New Jersey taxpayers $39,871.

The governor’s office released data to The Associated Press on the costs for state troopers to be in Israel and Jordan with Christie, his family and 13 governor-invited delegates. Other portions of the trip were funded by two private groups.

Choose NJ, an economic development entity founded by the Christie administration and funded by corporate donations, paid $36,246 for six government staffers to accompany Christie.

The Washington-based Republican Jewish Coalition shouldered costs for eight members of the Christie clan to fly privately and stay in Jerusalem’s most famous hotel, The King David. Executive Director Matt Brooks says the group is deferring to the governor’s office on releasing those costs.

Christie’s office didn’t release that data.

(Source: NJ Star Ledger)

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