Rallies in New York for Trayvon Martin

Activists at Union Square and several other locations throughout the country gathered for what they called an International Day of Justice for Travon Martin.

Although more than a month has passed since the unarmed Florida teen was shot and killed by George Zimmerman rally goers and other politicians in New York are calling for an arrest.

Supporters and politicians wore hooded sweatshirts, symbols of protest in honor of Martin, who was wearing a hoodie when he was shot and killed this February.

Assemblyman Keith Wright joined with members of the New York NAACP outside state offices in Harlem.

The rally was supposed to coincide with a Florida Grand Jury meeting to determine if charges will be filed against Zimmerman. But a special prosecutor said she will not empanel a grand jury as the investigation continues.

The decision not to take the case to a grand jury means Zimmerman won’t face first degree murder charges, but could still be charged with second degree or manslaughter charges.

The case has made national headlines and raised racial tensions.

Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, has claimed self defense for shooting Martin.

Florida has very liberal self defense statutes. Sources say Zimmerman could face an arrest this week. He has since started his own website soliciting donations for what would likely be a very expensive defense.

(Source: MyFoxNY)

2 Responses

  1. While there might be evidence to justify sending Zimmerman to trial, none of it has been made public. As far as anyone outside the investigation — including everyone who attended these rallies — knows, there is no such evidence. So they’re calling for an innocent person to be arrested and put through the ordeal and expense of a trial, for what? This is pure evil, pure hatred. They are deliberately trying to stir up race riots, thinking that it will help Obama’s reelection chances. They’re wrong. The backlash will destroy them.

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