NYPD Cruisers Get New Wording Added To Them

NYPD cars are getting a new look — in the front and back.

The department began replacing the decals on the front and rear hoods of all of its marked cars last month so that they read “NYPD Police” instead of just “Police.”

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly ordered the change after he saw a car marked “Police” driving erratically in December and thought it was from his department, sources told The Post.

According to one source, this happened on the day that police vehicles from several law-enforcement agencies were headed to the funeral of slain cop Peter Figoski on Long Island.

Kelly had the erratic car checked out and found that it was from another department.

But if he could be confused by the marking, the public could be, too, he concluded.

As a result, the next time each marked NYPD car goes in for regular maintenance — usually once every few months — its “Police” decal is to be replaced by an “NYPD Police” one.

It was not clear how much the change in marking would cost the NYPD.


5 Responses

  1. It won’t cost much. I’m in the business. Decals are very cheap to make these days. How much they get ripped off by the vendor is a different story. There go your hard earned tax dollars folks….

  2. how about “CPR” Corruption, Procrastination, Racism?
    Does that stay? Or did they remove it from the cars but keep up the policies as an unadvertised special???

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