Republican Hopeful Calls on White House to Recognize Jerusalem

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has come out strongly against the long-standing US administration policy of not recognizing Jerusalem and the capital of the State of Israel. The New York Daily news quotes him as attacking fellow republican candidate and President Barak Obama for failing to state definitively and unequivocally that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. While the United States has voted to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, presidents routinely veto the move, fearing the Islamic outcry that would follow acknowledging Jerusalem as belonging to the Jewish People, thereby unseating the Islamic myth that claims historical ties.

Santorum points out the chasm existing between Israel and the current US administration regarding the status of Jerusalem, which was a given after Mr. Obama tapped Hillary Clinton to serve as his secretary of state for she has been outspoken in her support for the creation of a Palestinian state at the expense of Israel, both in her current post as well as first lady.

Santorum added that if elected as the next American president, instead of holding a White House seder as Mr. Obama has done, he will hold the seder in the US Embassy in Jerusalem, adding when the Jews say “Next year in Jerusalem”, it will include the new US Embassy too.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. We SHOULD BE!!!

    He is clearly the one that best supports not only Israel, but Jewish morality hashkafos in general.

    I truly feel that HE means and believes what he says (even though it is not always popular) and does not just say what he thinks will get him the most votes.

    And b.t.w. – Romney will NOT beat Obama.

  2. This policy dates back to the Bush 1 adminisration and is a practical concession to the U.S. position that all these issues should be negotiated directly between EY and the PA. We cannot insist that the Palestinians enter negotiations with no pre-conditions if the U.S. itself takes the side of EY on an issue of importance to the Palestinians. As a practical matter, we know there will be no division of Yerushalayim and no “right of return” by Palestinians to their pre-48 homes. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to retain the role of the neutral broker.

  3. #3, more of your antisemitic attitude. Why on earth should the USA be neutral between good and evil, or between an ally and an enemy? Why not recognise the obvious truth, that Yerushalayim belongs to the Jews, and that Israel has the right to put its capital anywhere it likes, without anybody’s permission? When East Germany had its capital in Berlin, which was not officially part of its territory, every country still had its embassy there. Nobody claimed that they didn’t “recognise” the capital, and would put their embassy somewhere else.

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