Kiev Assault Victim Remains in Critical Condition

Aaron Alexander remains in critical condition in a Kiev hospital following the motzei Shabbos leil seder hate attack against him.

As reported by YWN-ISRAEL, Aaron was assaulted after he left the second night Chabad seder in Kiev. He was beaten severely and left for dead by his attackers. Officials’ report the attack occurred about 200 meters (yards) from the Beit Chabad, but out of range from the security surveillance cameras.

As was reported, he sustained serious head injuries and doctors are fighting to save his life. Rabbi Yaakov Zilberman, who heads the local community in Kiev, is working to make arrangements to have Avraham Alexander ben Avraham transferred to Eretz Yisrael if his condition will permit.

The attack is the same location where another yid, Mordechai Gavriel Chaim was attacked, stabbed and beaten about seven years ago. His attack was carried out by skin heads – neo Nazs. He too was in critical condition and remains in Beit Levinstein Rehabilitation Facility in Israel since.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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