TEHILLIM – Medevac Flies Bochur Struck By Vehicle At Fallsburg Yeshiva

An 18-year-old Yeshiva Bochur was struck by a vehicle, and R”L suffered serious injuries Monday night, the first day of Chol Hamoed. The incident happened around 8:00PM on Laurel Park Road and Estate Drive, when the Bochur, who is a resident on the South Fallsburg Yeshiva Community, was struck while riding a bike. Catskills Hatzolah treated him on the scene, and requested that a medevac fly him to a trauma center due to the severity of his injuries. A chopper was launched, and landed at the Fallsburg High School just minutes later. He was flown to the Westchester Trauma Unit where he is being treated for serious injuries.

Please be Mispallel for Shmuel Dovid ben Nechama.

(Paloma Gefen – YWN)

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