Har HaZeisim Yahrzeit for Baba Meir ZT”L

A large tzibur was on hand at Har HaZeisim this morning, 17 Nissan 5772, the second day of chol hamoed Pesach led by HaAdmor Rav Yekutiel Abuchatzera for the yahrzeit of the Baba Meir zt”l, the son of the Baba Sali ZY”A. A large crowd took part in the yahrzeit tefilos at the tziyun.

Rav Yekutiel also was mispallel at the tziyun of his brother Rav Elazar zt”l who was murdered last year.

The main event was held a day before the yahrzeit on 16 Nissan in the Ateret Meir Yeshiva in Ashdod. The yeshiva was named in memory of the late tzaddik.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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